Let's explore the recent ruling no. 45002 of 2024, which clarifies the inadmissibility of statements made in civil mediation within the context of criminal proceedings, highlighting the legal principles involved and the practical implications.
Let's analyze the recent ruling no. 47016 of 2024, which clarifies the limits of the judge's power regarding dismissal and the role of electronic filing in criminal proceedings.
Analysis of ruling no. 46992 of 2024 regarding confiscation and the binding nature of civil judgments, with a focus on preventive measures and implications for creditors.
Let's analyze the recent ruling no. 46979 of 2024 by the Court of Cassation, which clarifies the conditions for contesting aggravating circumstances in the crime of intentional bodily harm, with particular attention to cases of stalking.
Analysis of ruling no. 45583 of 2024 regarding alternative penalties and conditional suspension of the sentence, highlighting legislative innovations and their impact on defendants' rights.
Judgment no. 45407 of 2024 clarifies the role of the delegated European Prosecutor in the context of appeals, establishing their standing to file appeals to the Court of Cassation. A thorough analysis of the reasoning and legal implications.
An analysis of Judgment No. 1234 of 2023, highlighting the legal principles and applicable rules, with particular attention to the effects on the parties involved and future prospects.
The ruling of the Court of Cassation of October 3, 2023 provides important clarifications on the start of the statute of limitations for damages from blood transfusions, emphasizing the need for a correct identification of the dies a quo and the importance of the awareness of the damage.
Analysis of the Supreme Court ruling on the declaration of adoptability of a minor and the rights of family members. A focus on the protection of the best interests of the child and family dynamics.
Analysis of the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding the simulation of contracts and the reduction of donations, with particular attention to the rights of omitted heirs.
2012 reform 2018 41-bis A.A. abbreviated trial abduction of minors abnormal act abnormality abuse abuse of office abuse of power abusive occupation abusive practice abusiveness acceptance acceptance of inheritance accessory penalties Accident accident prevention law accidents accountability accountant accounting accounting records accumulation of claims acoustic emissions acquittal act of property disposition action for reduction active legitimacy active repentance adjustments administrative liability administrative sanctions administrator liability administrators adoptability adoption adult children adults adversarial proceeding adversarial process adversarial system aggravated fraud aggravated homicide aggravating circumstances aggravating factor aggravating factors agricultural contract aiding and abetting airbag alimony allocation of the marital home allowance review alternative measures alternative medicine ANAS ancillary penalties annulment annulment without referral anti-mafia law antisemitism apology of fascism appeal Appeal to the Court of Cassation Appeal to the Supreme Court appeals appointment of defense counsel archiving armed conflict arrest art. 141 Insurance Code art. 2051 art. 2051 c.c. art. 452-bis article 127 article 133 of the penal code article 2087 civil code article 41-bis asbestos asbestos exposure ascendants ASL liability asset liability asset protection assignment of credit assistance association attempted murder Attorney General attribution atypical evidence authority of the Prefect autonomy Awareness backdating banking law bankruptcy bankruptcy fraud bankruptcy law bankruptcy offenses bankruptcy trustee benefit Bergamo best interest of the child best interests of the child betting beyond a reasonable doubt bid rigging biological damage biological truth biparentality birth injuries birth injury blood transfusion blood transfusions board of auditors bodily injury building abuse building bonuses building law building offenses burden of pleading burden of proof C.A. Camorra clan cancellation capacity to understand Capital Rome carrying in a public place Cartabia reform case law case_law Cassation Cassation ruling Catanzaro court catastrophic damage causal link causation causes of non-punishability certificates challenge chamber procedure change of residence charge child abduction child custody child hearing child pornography child protection Child Rights child support child's best interest child's hearing childbirth children's needs children's rights children's welfare children’s rights circumstantial evidence citizenship civil judgment civil law civil liability civil mediation civil obligations civil party civil party constitution civil trial civil union claim report claims made claims made clause claims made clauses clandestine transport clauses claims made co-ownership co-parenting coercive abuse cohabitation cohabitation more uxorio collaborators of justice collation collective entities collector colluding entrepreneurs colonoscopy communication community service compensatio lucri cum damno compensation compensation action compensation for damages compensation tables compensatory liability competence competition complaint complicity complicity in the crime compulsory treatment computer data computer devices concealment concurrence of offenses concurrent sentences conditional intent conditional suspension conditional suspension of sentence confiscation congenital malformations consensual separation consent Consob conspiracy Constitutional Court constitutional legitimacy construction Consumer Code consumer protection contagion contempt continuation of offenses continued offense continuity in executivis contract law contracts contractual interpretation contractual liability conversion of sentence cooperative corporate income tax corporate law corporate liability corruption corruption of minors Cosa Nostra cosmetics Council of State ruling couriers court Court of Appeal Court of Appeal of Ancona Court of Appeal of Bari Court of Appeal of Brescia Court of Appeal of Trento Court of Appeal ruling Court of Brescia Court of Cassation Court of Cassation 19744/2014 Court of Crotone Court of Justice of the EU court of review Court of Verona cover-up Covid-19 Cramer Bank credit compensation credit fraud creditor protection creditors creditors' rights crime crime victims crimes crimes against public administration crimes against public faith crimes art. 4-bis criminal action Criminal Association criminal code criminal conspiracy criminal justice criminal law criminal liability criminal offenses criminal procedural law criminal procedure criminal proceedings criminal record criminal review criminal ruling criminal trial criminal_law criminal_responsibility culpability cultural heritage curator liability custodial liability custodial sentence custody custody of minors custody rights cyber fraud D.D. damage damage assessment damage compensation damage evidence damage from loss of chance damage repair damages damages assessment damages compensation danger assessment dangerous animals dangerous discharge dangerous ignitions data daytime isolation de facto administrator de facto administrators de facto family death debt waiver decommissioning deductibility defamation default defendant defendant's liability defendants' rights defender defense defense attorney defense impediment defense rights defensive investigations defensive medicine delegated professional delegation of functions demolition demolition order dentistry deservingness detention detention regime devastation diagnostic error diagnostic errors differential damage directors directors' liability disability disability defense disability insurance discrimination dismissal divorce divorce alimony divorce allowance divorce settlement documentary evidence domestic violence domicile donation donations doubling of penalties Down syndrome driving under the influence drug addiction drug importation drug offenses drug possession drug trafficking drugs dual parenthood dual parenting duration ECHR economic crimes economic disparity economic equity economic responsibility economic self-sufficiency educational responsibility educators elderly elections electricity electronic filing embezzlement emergency exit emotional bond emotional bonds emotional stability employability employer liability employer_liability encrochat endangerment crime Enel verifier energy theft enforceable judgment Enforcement Judge enhanced reasoning entities entrepreneur expenses environmental law environmental liability environmental pollution environmental responsibility equality Equitalia equity European arrest warrant European Court of Human Rights European Court of Justice European directive European investigation order European law European protection order European Public Prosecutor European regulations evasion evidence evidence of guilt evidential uncertainties evidentiary seizure exclusion of punishability exclusive custody exploitation prostitution expulsion extended confiscation extended effect external competition external_competition extortion extradition extraordinary expenses Failure to Declare failure to pay failure to report failure to supervise false accounting false corporate communications false declaration false invoices false power of attorney family family conflict family conflicts family law family obligations family relationships family responsibilities family responsibility fault filial status filiation financial contribution financial intermediation financing flight delays food law food products force majeure forced heirs foreign convicts foreign defendant foreign minors foreigners forfeitable profit forfeiture forgery fortuitous event foster care fragility fraud fraudulent agreement fraudulent bankruptcy fraudulent declaration fraudulent operations freedom of choice freedom of expression freedom of self-determination fugitive fugitive status fundamental rights gambling gambling addiction gender dysphoria General Fraud general intent genetic testing gifts good faith GPS location grandparents guarantee interrogation guard rail guardianship guardrail guidelines gynecologist habitual residence habituality Hague Hague Convention hazardous activities HCV health emergency health law health laws health safety healthcare liability healthcare professionals hearing adjournment hearing of the minor heating systems heirs hepatitis C virus highways HIV holographic will home access homicide hospital liability house arrest human dignity human rights I.N.A.I.L. iatrogenic damage iatrogenic injury ideological falsehood ideological falsehood. illegal building illegal carrying of weapons illegal collection illegal interference illegal stay illegal subdivision illegality of penalty illegality of the penalty illicit origin immediate judgment immigration immigration law impartiality impartiality of the judge impediment to appear impeditive causes impeditive crimes inadmissibility inadmissibility of evidence inadmissibility of statements inadmissible appeal INAIL incapacity incidental appeal incitement to corruption income disparity income tax incompatibility increase of penalty indemnity indemnity law indictment indirect author indirect donations individual freedom inducement to error ineffectiveness infected blood infidelity influence peddling information transparency informed consent ingratitude inheritance inheritance division inheritance law inheritances inhuman treatment inhuman treatments injury from fall insolvency insolvency law insult insurance insurance compensation insurance coverage insurance law insurance policies insurance policy intangible assets intent intentional injuries interceptions intercompany transactions interest of the accused interest of the minor interest rate international abduction international abduction of minors international cooperation international custody international law international protection interpreter intoxication inventory benefit investigations investments involuntary manslaughter Istanbul Convention Italian jurisprudence Italian justice Italian law Italian laws Jealousy joinder joinder of parties joint custody joint liability joint participation judge judgment judgment 14980/2022 judgment 17225 judgment 34950/2022 judgment 37081 judgment 3767/2018 judgment 45002 judgment 47185 Judgment 7601 Judgment no. 15657 judgment no. 17585 judgment no. 30092 judgment no. 39153 judgments judicial administration judicial competence judicial cooperation. judicial error judicial reasoning jurisdiction Jurisprudence justice kidnapping knowledge of the process labor law landlord liability late filing law law 110/1975 law 184/1983 law 194 law 898/1970 Law No. 69 of 2005 lawyer lawyers leading questions legal aid legal availability legal community legal costs legal entity legal error legal expenses legal guardianship legal liability legal principles legal qualification legal reasoning Legislative Decree 150/2022 legislative decree 231 Legislative Decree 231/2001 Legislative Decree 74/2000 Legislative Decree 81/2008 Legislative Decree No. 231 Legislative Decree No. 74/2000 legitimaries legitimate legitimate reliance legitimate share legitimization liability liability for omission liability of directors liability of entities liability of liquidators liability of public entities liability of public officials liability of the Ministry of Health liability of the Municipality liability of the Public Administration license revocation life imprisonment limitation liquidator liquidator liability liquidators listening to the minor losing party loss of chance lottery Lyell syndrome M.V. mafia mafia association Mafia associations mafia infiltration mafia_association magistrate maintenance maintenance allowance maintenance obligation maintenance of public works malfunction malpractice mandate to appeal manslaughter manufacturer Marche Region marital community marital home marital responsibility marital separation maritime law marriage mediation medical error medical expenses medical liability medical malpractice medical negligence medical record melanoma merit mesothelioma messaging Milan Court Milan ruling mild adoption Ministry of Health Ministry of Justice minor abduction minor children minor entity minor hearing minor offense minor rights minor's opinion minors minors transfer minors' rights misappropriation misdemeanor mistreatment mitigating circumstances mitigating factors mobbing monetary penalty money laundering money transfer moped moral damage moral violence mortgage mortgage registration mother's standing municipal liability Municipality Municipality of Gragnano murder Naples narcotic substances narcotics natural incapacity ne bis in idem negligent arson new evidence newborn noise emissions non-binary identity non-compliance non-contractual liability non-economic damage non-economic damages non-economic_damage non-mention non-pecuniary damage non-performance non-retroactivity nonexistent invoices nosocomial infection nosocomial infections notarial liability notary notary liability notification notifications nullity nullity of contract nullity of will nursing home oath obligation to provide reasons obscuration obstructive offenses occupational disease occupational diseases occupational health offenses subject to complaint office prosecution official secret old age omitted payment online grooming Opposition order organizer overdose package travel paper judgment Paper proceedings para-familiarity parental authority parental capacity parental conflict parental consent parental damage parental inadequacy parental liability parental obligations parental responsibilities parental responsibility parental rights parental supervision parenting agreement parole probation partial mental defect participation of individuals passenger liability passenger rights passengers passive extradition passive standing paternity paternity denial paving payment notices payments penalty penitentiary institutions pension pepper spray periculum in mora personal data personal injuries personal injury personal precautionary measures personalization pets Pinto law placement of minors plea bargaining Popular Bank Poste Italiane postponement of hearing precautionary measure precautionary measures predicate offense predictability of conviction preliminary investigations preliminary ruling premature birth prescription Presidential Decree 309/1990 Presidential Decree No. 309/1990 prevention preventive confiscation preventive custody preventive measures preventive seizure price revision principle of correlation principle of specialty prison benefits prison system prisoners' rights privacy probation procedural law procedural terms proceeds of crime procurement professional liability professional secrecy prohibition of expatriation property law property rights proportionality protection of heritage protection of minors protection of minors' rights protection of rights protection of third parties provisional provocation psychological health psychological suffering psychopathology public acts public administration public companies public defender public entities public entity public entity liability public grants public health public hearing procedure public interest public land public liability public official public officials public prosecutor public responsibility public safety public service public will public works publicity racism radiological exposure readmission real estate execution real estate transfer reasoning reasoning of the judgment receiving stolen goods recidivism reconciliation recovery recusal reduction reduction of donations referral referral judge referral to trial reformatio in peius refusal of official acts refusal of transfusion regional law regional legislation registration tax regularization Regulation 2201/2003 Regulation EC 261/2004 regulations regulatory uncertainty rehabilitation rehabilitation path reimbursement of expenses related crimes related offenses reliability of testimonies religious education remediation remedy renewal of proceedings repatriation repeal reporting Republic of Ukraine rescission rescission of the judgment residence permit resistance to public officials responsibility responsibility of the Ministry of Health restitution retraction revenge porn Revenue Agency review revocability revocation revocation of penalty revocation of spousal support right of asylum right of defense right of reduction right to be heard right to compensation right to defense right to health right to honor right to life right to privacy right to quiet right to report right to rest right to self-determination rights of ascendants rights of prisoners rights of the accused rights of the beneficiary right_to_defense risk risk allowance risk of default risk of reoffending road accident road accidents road anomalies road damages road law road maintenance road potholes road traffic road traffic accidents robbery Rome Capital ruling ruling 1234/2023 ruling 12345 ruling 1361/2014 ruling 14222 ruling 15625 ruling 15664 ruling 16045 ruling 16462 ruling 16576/2023 ruling 16691/2024 ruling 16703/2024 ruling 16716/2024 ruling 16800 ruling 17191/2011 ruling 17211 ruling 17216 ruling 17320 ruling 17400 ruling 17973 ruling 19069/2024 ruling 2007 ruling 2020 ruling 2021 ruling 2022 ruling 2023 ruling 2024 ruling 24369 ruling 2536/2024 ruling 30143 ruling 32354/2024 ruling 36775 ruling 36918 ruling 36942 ruling 37131 ruling 37248 ruling 37350 ruling 37639 ruling 37751 ruling 37855 ruling 38511 ruling 38845 ruling 39243 ruling 39482 ruling 39548 ruling 39680 ruling 39711 ruling 40118 ruling 44064 ruling 44096/2024 ruling 5947 ruling 7760/2016 ruling 834/2025 ruling 9140 ruling Cassation 2017 ruling Cassation 8229/2023 ruling Court of Naples ruling no. 14792 ruling no. 17918 ruling no. 39481 ruling no. 41721/2024 ruling no. 44731 ruling no. 6433 ruling of the Court of Cassation ruling Rome ruling Supreme Court rulings ruling_30133 safety safety measures safety of systems safety regulations sale of goods sanctions school school law security seizure self-declaration self-defamation self-defense self-determination self-harm self-laundering self-money laundering self-responsibility seller semi-liberty sentence sentence 27090 sentence 36945 sentence 37107 sentence 45576 sentence 8980 sentence no. 15704 sentence no. 38802 sentencing frameworks separation separation agreement separation charge settlement severance pay sex reassignment share capital shared custody shared parenting side agreements simple bankruptcy simulation Sky ECC smoke bomb social danger social dangerousness social network social reintegration social services special curator special surveillance specific intent spousal duties spousal support spouses' rights stalking standard of living standing standing to appeal start date state liability state of abandonment statements statute of limitations statute of limitations for crimes stray animals stray dogs strepitus fori subjective element subjective elements subsidiary liability substitute penalties substitute penalty substitute sanctions substitution succession succession of criminal laws successions summons to trial supervisory obstacle support administration support administrator support decree Supreme Court Supreme Court 2023 Supreme Court 2024 Supreme Court ruling Supreme Court ruling 2023 Supreme_Court surgical intervention surrogacy Surveillance Court survivor's pension survivors' pension suspension of deadlines suspension of proceedings suspensive condition Swiss law Taranto ruling tax assessment tax assessments tax benefits tax compensation tax consultants tax credit tax crime tax crimes tax debt tax documentation Tax Evasion tax fraud tax law Tax Liability tax offenses tax violations taxation taxes teachers technical consultancy technical consulting technical liability technical manager telephone data territorial incompetence territorial jurisdiction terrorism testamentary succession testamentary will testator's intention testimonial evidence testimonies testimony theft therapeutic custody threshold of punishability tort liability torture totalitarian ideologies traffic accident traffic regulations trafficking transfer transfer of minors translation trial in absentia trust trusted defense attorney TSO Turin ruling Ukraine undue compensation undue inducement undue influence undue perception unification of sentences unjust damage unjust detention unlawful acts unlawful data processing unlawful detention unlawful occupation unlawfully received urban planning use of minors use of service vehicles usufruct usury validation of arrest validity of evidence VAT VAT credit victim protection video chat violated rights violation violation of family assistance violence violent crimes virtual presence visitation visitation rights visual interviews vulnerability waiver waiver of mandate warning waste combustion waste management water damage weapons weather events welfare of minors WhatsApp white list wildlife will will of the beneficiary Wiretapping withdrawal of complaint withholding agents withholdings witness evidence witness examination witness testimony Work work environment work-related liability. work-related stress worker health worker training workers' rights workplace accident workplace accidents workplace injuries workplace safety wrongful detention