Court of Cassation, Section III, Order No. 6443/2023: Reflections on the Compensation for Moral and Biological Damage.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation analyzes the distinction between biological damage and moral damage, highlighting the importance of avoiding compensation duplications and providing rigorous evidence in cases of psychological injuries.

Civil Court of Cassation No. 2/2020: Testimonial Evidence and Employer Liability

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation offers important insights into witness testimony in the workplace and the employer's liability for accidents occurring to employees. A case involving compensation for non-contractual damage due to the loss of parental relationship.

Civil Court n. 5947/2023: Reflections on Witness Testimony and Damages Compensation

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation provides important insights into witness testimony and civil liability, clarifying the limits on claims for non-economic damages.

Corte di Cassazione, Sezione Lavoro, Ordinanza n. 10043/2024: Riflessioni sulla Prova e Responsabilità Lavorativa

The ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 10043 of 2024 provides crucial insights on the employer's liability and the correct burden of proof in cases of occupational disease, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive assessment of the evidence presented.

Analysis of the ruling Cass. civ., Section III, no. 16893/2019: civil liability and dynamics of the road accident.

Let’s examine the ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 16893 of 2019, which addresses issues of civil liability in the event of a road accident, with particular attention to the evaluation of evidence and the dynamics of the incident.

Fraudulent bankruptcy: analysis of the ruling Cass. pen., Section V, no. 34811 of 2024.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation highlights important principles regarding fraudulent bankruptcy, analyzing the role of the de facto administrator and the admissibility of testimonial evidence in criminal proceedings.

Corte di Cassazione, Sez. I, Ord. n. 15212/2023: The burden of proof in the assignment of separation.

Analysis of the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifying the burden of proof in the case of marital separation and the meaning of voluntary abandonment of the marital home.

Professional liability of the accountant: the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Naples.

Analysis of judgment no. 2408/2024 of the Court of Appeal of Naples, which addresses the issues of professional civil liability and evidence in the tax field.