Civil Court of Cassation, Section III, Judgment No. 40885 of 2021: Reflections on the Applicability of Art. 141 of the Insurance Code.

The article analyzes the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding the applicability of Article 141 of the Insurance Code in the case of road accidents without the involvement of other vehicles, clarifying the rights of passengers and the responsibilities of insurance companies.

Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Civil Section III, No. 10578 of 2018: Compensation for Non-Pecuniary Damage.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation in 2018 clarifies the responsibilities of the employer in cases of occupational diseases and compensation for non-pecuniary damages. An emblematic case for Italian jurisprudence.

Analysis of the ruling Cass. civ., Section III, no. 16893/2019: civil liability and dynamics of the road accident.

Let’s examine the ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 16893 of 2019, which addresses issues of civil liability in the event of a road accident, with particular attention to the evaluation of evidence and the dynamics of the incident.

Recognition of Death Damage and Non-Pecuniary Damage: Supreme Court 1361/2014

The ruling of the Court of Cassation No. 1361 of 2014 clarified important aspects regarding the compensation for non-economic damages and its transmissibility to heirs, establishing fundamental criteria for the assessment of damages in the event of death. Let us analyze the key points of the decision.

Prescription and liability in damages compensation: the ruling of Cass. civ. no. 20327 of 2023.

Analysis of the ruling of the Court of Cassation No. 20327 of 2023 concerning the statute of limitations and the employer's liability for workplace injuries, highlighting the relationship between civil and criminal laws.