Welcome to our page dedicated to jurisprudence, where you can find valuable legal insights, articles, and case law analysis. Explore the latest developments in jurisprudence and stay informed on relevant legal issues.
The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the criteria for the allocation of alimony in divorce, emphasizing the importance of the comparative assessment of the economic conditions of the parties and the contribution made by the weaker spouse to family life.
Analysis of the Supreme Court ruling regarding the compensation for non-economic damage, with particular attention to the personalization of biological damage and the implications for compensations.
We explore the themes of money laundering and personal precautionary measures in light of the ruling of the Court of Cassation, highlighting the legal principles involved and the implications for criminal law.
The ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the interaction between the crime of kidnapping and the abduction of minors, highlighting the need to protect distinct but coexisting rights.
In-depth analysis of the Supreme Court ruling concerning the crimes of extortion and corruption, highlighting interpretative issues and legal implications.
The Court of Cassation declared the appeals of A.A. and B.B. inadmissible for extortion, examining the sufficiency of the evidence and compliance with procedural rules. Let's explore the details of the ruling and the legal implications.
Analysis of the ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 49202 of 2023, which confirms the conviction for the possession of narcotic substances and discusses the methods of assessing awareness and punishment.
The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies important aspects regarding the crime of embezzlement and the qualification of public companies, outlining the boundaries of criminal liability in the context of the management of public funds.
The recent ruling of the Supreme Court provides important clarifications on the confiscation of assets in the crime of money laundering, highlighting the distinction between the product, profit, and price of the crime.
The recent ruling of the Supreme Court clarifies the limits of confiscation in cases of money laundering, highlighting the difference between profit and proceeds. An analysis of the legal implications and regulatory interpretations.