Discover a collection of articles and legal cases related to Court of Appeal on the Bianucci Law Firm blog. Stay informed about recent court rulings and legal precedents.
Judgment no. 1234/2023 provides important insights on the rights of minors and shared custody, highlighting the importance of the child's well-being in judicial decisions.
Analysis of the ruling of the Trento Court of Appeal No. 44 of 2024, which confirms the conviction for tax evasion of an entrepreneur, highlighting the legal implications and the ancillary penalties applied.
The Court of Appeal of Ancona, with ruling no. 215 of 2024, upholds the conviction for tax evasion of an administrator, clarifying the importance of personal responsibility in the management of tax returns.
The analysis of ruling no. 4004 of 2024 by the Court of Appeal of Rome provides important insights into the crimes of document-based bankruptcy and the responsibilities of administrators, illustrating the legal dynamics and consequences for those holding formal roles without actual management.
The recent ruling of the Court of Appeal of Bari offers important insights into the liability of liquidators in the event of failure to maintain accounting records. Let us analyze the details and legal implications of this decision.
The recent ruling of the Court of Appeal of Turin provides important insights on the assessment of social dangerousness, highlighting how pending criminal proceedings can influence preventive measures. Let's learn more about this crucial issue.
The ruling of the Court of Appeal of Naples, no. 2461 of 2024, clarifies the dynamics of compensation for non-economic and economic damages resulting from road accidents, highlighting the importance of testimonial evidence in identifying the responsible vehicle.
The ruling no. 4241 of 2023 by the Court of Appeal of Rome offers significant insights into the liability of healthcare professionals in the event of complications during surgical procedures, clarifying the limits of liability and the importance of informed consent.
Let's analyze the recent ruling of the Court of Appeal of Rome that addressed the issue of alimony and child support, highlighting the decisions made and the reasons behind them.