Informed Consent in Jurisprudence

Discover a collection of articles focusing on informed consent within the realm of jurisprudence. Stay updated on legal cases, rulings, and analysis in this important area of law.

Bianucci Law Firm
Medical Liability: Analysis of the ruling Cass. civ., no. 25825 of 2024

A recent ruling by the Court of Cassation provides interesting insights into medical liability and the importance of informed consent in the surgical context. Discover how case law addresses the causal link between professional error and the harm suffered by the patient.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on Judgment No. 4241 of 2023 of the Court of Appeal of Rome on Professional Liability

The ruling no. 4241 of 2023 by the Court of Appeal of Rome offers significant insights into the liability of healthcare professionals in the event of complications during surgical procedures, clarifying the limits of liability and the importance of informed consent.

Bianucci Law Firm
Professional Liability and Statute of Limitations: Commentary on Cass. civ., Section III, No. 15239 of 2014

The ruling of the Court of Cassation addresses the complex issue of civil liability in the healthcare sector and the statute of limitations, highlighting the necessity of informed consent and the importance of the therapeutic purpose of medical interventions.