Analysis of Judgment No. 215/2024 of the Court of Appeal of Ancona: Tax Evasion and Administrator Liability

The judgment No. 215 of 2024 from the Court of Appeal of Ancona provides important insights on the responsibility of company administrators regarding the proper management of tax declarations. In the case at hand, the defendant A.G. was convicted for submitting a false declaration, omitting significant income and causing considerable tax evasion. Let us examine the key legal aspects of this ruling and its implications for company administrators.

Facts and Decisions of the Court

In the ruling, the Court confirmed A.G.'s responsibility for declaring a negative income of Euro -58,402, while failing to declare an actual income of Euro 857,000. This conduct resulted in a tax evasion amounting to Euro 219,614. The Court rejected the defense's arguments, which sought to demonstrate the non-existence of illicit profit and the absence of specific intent.

The tax law requires the declaration of produced income, regardless of the use of price and prior debts.

The Administrator's Responsibility in Tax Management

A crucial point arising from the judgment concerns the administrator's responsibility in maintaining accounting records and submitting tax declarations. The Court highlighted that reliance on an accountant does not exempt the administrator from their obligations. In fact, the obligation to verify the truthfulness and completeness of the declared information remains with the administrator themselves.

  • Essential to control tax declarations.
  • Responsibility cannot be fully delegated to third parties.
  • Importance of transparency in corporate management.


Judgment No. 215/2024 of the Court of Appeal of Ancona serves as an important reminder of the responsibility of company administrators, emphasizing how failure to comply with tax obligations can lead to significant criminal consequences. Administrators must be aware of their responsibilities and ensure transparent and compliant tax management to avoid sanctions and reputational damage.

Bianucci Law Firm