Legal Investigations: Articles, Cases & Analysis

Discover a curated collection of legal articles, cases, and analysis on investigations. Stay up to date with the latest legal developments and insights on this topic.

Bianucci Law Firm
Judgment No. 17225 of 2023: the importance of defensive investigations in criminal proceedings.

The illustration of ruling no. 17225 of 2023 highlights the importance of formal correctness in defensive investigations and the legal consequences of the failure to draft the authentication report.

Bianucci Law Firm
Ruling No. 17604 of 2023: The evidential seizure of electronic devices and the reasonable duration of the constraint.

The recent ruling no. 17604 of 2023 addresses the issue of the seizure of electronic devices, analyzing the need to limit the duration of the constraint in relation to technical difficulties and the cooperation of the defendant.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of Judgment No. 37395 of 2024: Relevance of GPS Localization in Preliminary Investigations

The ruling of the Court of Cassation of September 18, 2024 clarifies the use of GPS satellite localization as an atypical means of evidence, excluding the application of 'data retention' regulations. An essential analysis to understand the boundaries between privacy and investigative needs.