Bianucci Law Firm
Fraud and self-laundering: commentary on the ruling of the Italian Supreme Court, Criminal Section II, no. 17641 of 2024.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation thoroughly analyzes the crimes of fraud and self-laundering, emphasizing the dynamics of embezzlement through the creation of a trust. An emblematic case for the protection of vulnerable assets.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of Judgment No. 14577 of 2022: The Rescission of the Final Judgment and the Appointment of the Trusted Defender.

The ruling no. 14577 of 2022 by the Court of Cassation addresses the issue of the rescission of the judgment in relation to the appointment of a trusted defense lawyer. Let’s explore together the legal implications of this ruling.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of Judgment No. 40174 of 2024: The Role of the Bankruptcy Trustee and the Refusal of Official Acts.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation No. 40174 of 2024 clarifies the limits of the bankruptcy trustee's liability, distinguishing between delay and refusal of official acts. Let us explore the necessary conditions to configure the offense.