Judgment No. 16676 of 2023: Analysis of the Prohibition of Reformatio in Peius and Generic Mitigating Circumstances

Judgment No. 16676 of March 30, 2023, represents an important intervention by the Court of Cassation on the subject of generic mitigating circumstances and the power of the referring judge. This ruling clarifies the limitations that exist in the reassessment of the penalty in the event of partial annulment of the conviction.

The Context of the Judgment

The case in question involves the defendant C. M., who had been sentenced by the Court of Appeal of Rome. However, the Supreme Court partially annulled the ruling, noting the failure to assess the generic mitigating circumstances. This annulment led to the need to carefully examine the power of the referring judge in recalculating the penalty.

Limitations on the Power of the Referring Judge

According to the Court, the power of the referring judge to reassess the penalty encounters two important limitations:

  • Prohibition of Reformatio in Peius: This general principle in the discipline of appeals prevents the penalty from being increased beyond the already imposed measure as a result of an appeal by the defendant alone.
  • Partial Res Judicata: The measure of the base penalty, already established, cannot be altered due to the partial res judicata that has formed, pursuant to Articles 624, paragraph 1, and 627, paragraph 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Annulment for the Granting of Generic Mitigating Circumstances - Redetermination of the Penalty - Power of the Referring Judge - Limitations - Prohibition of "Reformatio in Peius" - Partial Res Judicata - Configurability. In the case of partial annulment of the conviction, ordered due to the failure to assess the reason regarding the granting of generic mitigating circumstances, the power of the referring judge to reassess the penalty encounters a dual limitation: the first, resulting from the prohibition of "reformatio in peius," which constitutes a general principle in the discipline of appeals, applicable also to the rescissory judgment and which, in the case of an appeal by the defendant alone, does not allow exceeding the overall measure of the penalty already imposed, and the second arising from the partial res judicata formed, pursuant to Articles 624, paragraph 1, and 627, paragraph 2, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, regarding the measure of the base penalty, which cannot be changed.


Judgment No. 16676 of 2023 is part of a broader legal debate concerning the evaluation of generic mitigating circumstances and the power of penalty review. It not only reaffirms the principle of the prohibition of reformatio in peius but also highlights the importance of a correct application of procedural norms, thus ensuring the protection of the defendant's rights. This intervention by the Court of Cassation represents a significant step towards greater legal certainty and the protection of fundamental rights in the criminal process.

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