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Commentary on Judgment No. 33560 of 2023: The Binding Nature of the Referring Judge

The judgment no. 33560 of June 9, 2023 represents an important clarification regarding the role of the referring judge, following a cancellation by the Court of Cassation for violation of law. In this article, we will explore the main aspects of this decision, particularly analyzing the binding application of the principles established by the Court.

The Context of the Judgment

The Court of Cassation, presided over by Judge S. B., addressed the question of what a referring judge must do after the Court has annulled a previous judgment for non-compliance or erroneous application of criminal law. The decision concerned the case of B. C. and confirmed the importance of following the legal principles established by the Court in the legitimacy phase.

Relevant Legal Principles

Annulment for violation of law - Principle of law - Exclusive binding nature for the referring judge - Motivational passages of argumentative nature - Irrelevance - Case. Following annulment by the Court of Cassation for non-compliance or erroneous application of criminal law, the referring judge must be deemed bound solely by the principles and legal questions decided with the annulment judgment, excluding any other restriction arising from any argumentative passages contained in the motivation of the legitimacy judgment, especially if referring to mere factual issues related to the merits of the case. (In this case, the Court stated that from the annulment due to the error in the previous declaration of extinction of offenses due to statute of limitations, no preclusion could arise regarding the identification of the time necessary for the statute of limitations to apply).

This maxim clarifies that the referring judge must limit themselves to following the legal principles established by the Court of Cassation, without being influenced by further argumentative considerations that are not directly related to the principles of law. This approach avoids confusion and ensures that the judge does not deviate from the direction established by the Court.

Practical Implications of the Judgment

The consequences of this judgment are significant for the Italian legal system, as they establish a clear boundary for the referring judge, who must strictly adhere to the principles of law, avoiding being influenced by considerations of merit. This implies that:

  • The referring judge has a limited role, having to consider only what has been effectively decided by the Court of Cassation.
  • Any mere factual issues related to the merits of the case cannot constitute a binding constraint for the decision of the referring judge.
  • The erroneous declaration of extinction of offenses due to statute of limitations must be assessed without preclusions arising from previous motivations.


The judgment no. 33560 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation offers a clear indication of how the referring judge should operate following a cancellation for violation of law. This legal orientation not only clarifies the responsibilities of the judge but also contributes to ensuring legal certainty, essential for the proper functioning of the judicial system. The Court, therefore, reaffirms the importance of a rigorous application of legal principles, in favor of a more equitable and predictable justice.