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Commentary on Judgment No. 15836 of 2023: Geolocation Data and the Right to Privacy

The recent judgment No. 15836 of January 11, 2023, by the Court of Cassation sheds new light on the regulations concerning the acquisition and usability of geolocation data contained in telephone records. In particular, the Court has established that such data, obtained without the necessary authorization decree from the judicial authority, is considered to be affected by pathological unusability, raising fundamental questions about privacy protection and the confidentiality of communications.

The Regulation of Telephone Records

The main legal reference is Article 132, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 2003, which establishes the need for an authorization decree to acquire geolocation data. The Court clarified that the violation of this rule results in the exclusion of the data from judgment, as they infringe upon the right to the confidentiality of communications, protected by the Italian Constitution. This aspect is particularly relevant in the context of summary judgment, where the timeliness and correctness of the evidence are crucial.

  • Evidence harmful to the confidentiality of communications
  • Pathological unusability of unauthorized data
  • Relevance of personal data protection

The Reasons for Exclusion

The Court justified its decision by emphasizing that the acquisition of sensitive data without adequate authorization represents a violation of fundamental rights of the individual. In this sense, the judgment reiterates the importance of adhering to the procedures established by law, to ensure the integrity of the process and the protection of the rights of the individuals involved.

Telephone records – Regulation pursuant to Art. 132, paragraph 3, Legislative Decree No. 196 of 2003 - Geolocation data – Acquisition by judicial police in the absence of the authorization decree from the judicial authority – Usability in summary judgment – Exclusion - Reasons. Regarding the acquisition of data contained in telephone records, geolocation data related to telephone or telematic users, contained in records acquired by judicial police in the absence of the authorization decree from the judicial authority, in violation of Article 132, paragraph 3, Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, cannot be used in summary judgment, as they are harmful evidence to the constitutionally protected right to the confidentiality of communications and, therefore, affected by pathological unusability, not remedied by the request for resolution of the judgment in the forms of alternative proceedings.


The judgment No. 15836 of 2023 represents an important affirmation of the principle of legality and the protection of fundamental rights. It reaffirms that privacy protection cannot be overlooked even in the context of criminal investigations. For lawyers and legal professionals, it is essential to keep this judgment in mind when assessing the usability of evidence, especially in a context where technology and personal data play an increasingly central role in investigations.