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Commentary on Judgment No. 33535 of 2023: Concurrent Crimes of Unauthorized Use of Credit Cards and Fraud

Judgment No. 33535 of May 17, 2023, issued by the Court of Cassation, offers an important reflection on the crimes of fraud and unauthorized use of credit cards, clarifying the conditions for the existence of concurrent crimes. The decision addresses a highly relevant issue, considering the increase in cyber and financial fraud involving the unauthorized use of payment instruments.

The Legal Context of the Judgment

The case in question involved the accused F. C., who was charged with committing fraudulent operations using other people's credit cards. The Court reiterated that, for concurrent crimes to be established, it is necessary for the conducts to be autonomous and distinct, aimed at obtaining an illicit profit through further artifices beyond the initial offense.

Concurrent with the crime of unauthorized use of payment instruments other than cash - Existence - Conditions. The concurrence of the crime of unauthorized use of credit cards with that of fraud exists in the case of autonomous and distinct conducts, aimed at obtaining, through further artifices and deceptions, the illicit profit obtained as a result of the commission of the first crime.

This maxim highlights the importance of identifying specific conducts that can constitute concurrent crimes. Thus, it is not enough to have unauthorized use of payment instruments; there must also be additional fraudulent conducts to integrate the crime of fraud.

Analysis of Conducts and Legal Implications

The Court referenced Article 640 of the Penal Code, relating to the crime of fraud, and Article 493 ter, which regulates the unauthorized use of payment instruments. It is important to emphasize that the jurisprudence, as highlighted in the judgment, requires a clear distinction between the two crimes. For the recognition of concurrence, the conducts must not only be autonomous but also aimed at exploiting the illicit profit derived from the first action.

  • Unauthorized use of credit cards: refers to the unauthorized use of others' payment cards.
  • Fraud: consists of deceiving someone to obtain an illicit advantage.
  • Concurrent crimes: occurs when multiple crimes are committed autonomously, but are connected to each other.


Judgment No. 33535 of 2023 represents a significant step in the fight against financial fraud, clarifying the necessary conditions for the concurrence of crimes. The distinction between unauthorized use of payment instruments and fraud is fundamental for the correct application of the law and to ensure adequate justice. It is essential that legal professionals and citizens understand these dynamics in order to protect themselves and prevent increasingly widespread fraudulent behaviors in the current landscape.