Analysis of Judgment No. 15256/2023: Precautionary Measures and Powers of the Review Court

Judgment No. 15256 of 2023, issued by the Court of Cassation, represents an important reference point in the field of personal precautionary measures. In particular, it addresses the issue of the appeal against the rejection of the request for the substitution of the precautionary measure of custody in prison, emphasizing the limits of the review court and the devolutive effect of the appeal.

Context and Relevance of the Judgment

The decision under examination refers to a case in which the accused, S. P., appealed against an order that rejected the request for substitution of the precautionary measure. The Court stated that, in the appeal proceedings pursuant to Article 310 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the review court is bound by the devolutive effect of the appeal. This means that the court cannot examine new facts or evidence, but must limit itself to evaluating the elements already presented in the first instance judgment.

Appeal against the rejection of the request for substitution of the precautionary measure of custody in prison - Devolutive effect - Existence - Investigative powers of the review court - Exclusion - Consequences. In the appeal proceedings pursuant to Article 310 of the Code of Criminal Procedure proposed by the accused against the order rejecting the request for substitution of the precautionary measure of custody in prison, the review court is bound by the devolutive effect of the appeal and lacks investigative powers, as well as being subject to time limits for the issuance of the control order, so that the presentation of a new factual situation, deemed more favorable to the appellant, must be the subject of a new and further documented request to the proceeding judge and, in case of denial, of appeal by means of precautionary appeal.

Implications of the Judgment

The implications of this judgment are significant for the protection of the rights of the accused. It clarifies that, in the event of an appeal, the review court does not have the power to collect new evidence or to re-examine the factual situation. This aspect is crucial, as it limits the possibilities of reviewing decisions made in the first instance and imposes on the accused the obligation to present a new request to the proceeding judge in case new elements arise in their favor.

  • The necessity of detailed documentation in the request for substitution of the precautionary measure.
  • Compliance with time limits for the issuance of orders by the review court.
  • The possibility of appealing the denial of the substitution request with a precautionary appeal.


In conclusion, judgment No. 15256/2023 represents an important confirmation of the principles governing precautionary measures in our legal system. It provides legal practitioners and the accused with a clear understanding of the limits and procedures to follow in the event of appeals. The protection of individual rights must always be balanced with the needs of justice, and this judgment helps to clarify that balance in the context of precautionary measures.

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