Commentary on Judgment No. 15636 of 2023: The Importance of Adversarial Proceedings in the Confiscation Revocation Process

The recent Judgment No. 15636 of January 24, 2023, issued by the Court of Cassation, provides an important reflection on the procedure for revoking confiscation. In particular, the ruling emphasizes the obligation to establish an adversarial proceeding between the parties in the event of an opposition to the order rejecting the revocation request. But what does this decision concretely mean and what are its consequences?

The Context of the Judgment

The Court of Cassation addressed the case concerning the Brenner Motorway S.p.A., where the execution judge had rejected the request for revocation of the confiscation after a closed-door hearing. The Court ruled that, according to Article 666, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the opposition must be decided after an adversarial proceeding, under penalty of absolute nullity of the measure.

The Meaning of Adversarial Proceedings

The adversarial proceeding is a fundamental principle of procedural law, which guarantees all parties involved in the proceedings the right to be heard and to present their arguments. The judgment in question reaffirms that the omission of this step can lead to serious consequences, such as the invalidity of the act itself.

  • The adversarial proceeding allows for direct confrontation between the parties;
  • It promotes a fairer and just decision;
  • It prevents possible abuses of power by the judiciary.
Confiscation - Request for revocation rejected by the execution judge in the first instance following a closed-door hearing instead of "de plano" - Opposition - Procedure - Establishment of adversarial proceedings - Necessity - Omission - Consequences. Regarding confiscation, the opposition against the order rejecting the revocation request issued by the execution judge following a closed-door hearing, instead of "de plano," must be decided, under penalty of absolute nullity of the measure, after establishing adversarial proceedings between the parties, pursuant to Article 666, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Implications for Criminal Law

Judgment No. 15636 of 2023 is not just an isolated case, but fits into a broader jurisprudential trend that emphasizes the importance of adversarial proceedings at all stages of the criminal process. The Court, also referring to precedents such as Judgment No. 13952 of 2021, confirms the necessity of a fair trial, where each party has the opportunity to express their reasons.


In conclusion, Judgment No. 15636 of 2023 represents a significant step towards greater protection of the rights of individuals involved in confiscation proceedings. The obligation to establish an adversarial proceeding is not only a legal principle but a fundamental guarantee for the proper functioning of justice. It is essential that all legal practitioners take note of these indications, thus contributing to an increasingly fair and transparent legal system.

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