Personal preventive measures: commentary on the ruling of the Court of Cassation n. 9964 of 2016

The ruling n. 9964 of 2016 by the Supreme Court of Cassation provides significant insights into personal preventive measures and their correct use within the Italian legal system. In this article, we will examine the reasons that led to the annulment of the preventive custody order against M.V., emphasizing the norms and legal principles involved.

The case of M.V. and the decisions of the Court

The Court of Reggio Calabria, with an order dated October 30, 2015, rejected M.V.'s appeal against the preventive custody measure issued by the Court of Palmi. The defense contested the legitimacy of the custody, arguing that the time limits for the preventive measure, as outlined in articles 303 and 304 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, had been exceeded.

In particular, the Court highlighted that the Tribunal did not adequately consider the principle that the duration of preventive custody must be calculated based on the alleged offense and not on hypothetical aggravating factors not specifically indicated in the accusation. This aspect is crucial, as the lack of a clear contestation of the aggravating factors prevents them from being considered in calculating the custody terms.

Legal principles underlying the decision

The Court clarified that the calculation of the phase duration for preventive custody must exclusively concern the accusation contained in the restrictive measure.

The ruling emphasizes the importance of respecting the rights of individuals subjected to preventive measures, particularly the right to a fair duration of the process. The terms of preventive custody are established to protect personal freedom and ensure a balance between the need for justice and the rights of the individual.

  • The maximum term of preventive custody must be calculated according to the specific accusation.
  • The aggravating factors must be clearly contested in order to be considered in the calculation of the terms.
  • The principle of legality imposes clarity and specificity in the accusation of aggravating circumstances.


In conclusion, the ruling of the Court of Cassation n. 9964 of 2016 represents an important affirmation of the rights of individuals subjected to preventive measures. The Court reiterated the necessity for a thorough evaluation of the custody terms, highlighting that every restrictive measure must respect the fundamental principles of legality and justice. This case offers a useful point of reflection for legal professionals, emphasizing the importance of a well-articulated and documented defense in preventive proceedings.