Analysis of Judgment No. 14885 of 2022: Conducts with Terrorist Intent

Judgment No. 14885 of November 29, 2022, issued by the Court of Cassation, represents a fundamental reference point for understanding Italian legislation on terrorism. In particular, this decision clarifies the criteria for assessing whether a conduct can be considered as having terrorist intent under Article 270-sexies of the Penal Code. In its reasoning, the Court emphasizes the importance of a detailed analysis of the context and nature of the action, rather than merely evaluating the agent's intent.

The Context of the Judgment

In the specific case, the defendant, D. P., was accused of acts that, although they may appear threatening, did not possess the necessary characteristics to constitute the offense of terrorism. The Court established that it is not enough to intend to cause serious harm to the country; it is essential that there is a concrete possibility that the conduct can have a real intimidating impact on the population. This means that the judge must evaluate not only the intentions but also how and in what context such actions can actually influence collective security.

Conducts with terrorist intent - Suitability - Judicial assessment - Posthumous prognosis - Nature and context of the action - Criteria. To consider the terrorist intent under Article 270-sexies of the Penal Code to be fulfilled, it is not sufficient for the acting subject to have the intention of causing serious harm to the country, but it is necessary for their conduct to create a concrete possibility, due to the nature and objective context of the action and the means of aggression actually used, that this occurs, in terms of a real intimidating impact on the population, such as to affect the living conditions and security of the entire community, provided that only in the presence of such conditions could the State feel effectively constrained in its decisions. (In its reasoning, the Court specified that the assessment of the concrete suitability of the conduct must be carried out using the paradigm of posthumous prognosis and referring to the criteria indicated by the law of "nature and context" of the action).

Legal Implications

The implications of this judgment are significant, as they establish an important precedent for future assessments in matters of terrorism. The importance of posthumous prognosis cannot be overlooked: judges must consider the concrete conditions in which the action was performed and the possible consequences it might have. This implies a critical analysis of the means used and the context, which must be rigorously evaluated to avoid unjust convictions based solely on perceived intentions.

Furthermore, the Court referred to previous case law, highlighting how these assessments have already been addressed in past judgments, creating a clearer regulatory framework. It is essential that legal practitioners, lawyers, and judges are aware of these criteria to ensure a fair application of the rules.


In conclusion, Judgment No. 14885 of 2022 represents an important guide for understanding conducts with terrorist intent. It reminds us that justice cannot be based solely on intentions, but must always consider the reality of the facts and their impact on society. Only through careful and contextualized analysis can fair and balanced justice be ensured, while simultaneously protecting collective security.

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