Analysis of Sentence No. 17320 of 2022: The Differences between Aggravating Circumstances in the Crime of Robbery

The recent sentence No. 17320 of 2022 from the Court of Cassation has highlighted important clarifications regarding aggravating circumstances in the crime of robbery, particularly concerning the age of the victim. This ruling is particularly significant for all legal practitioners, as it precisely defines when specific aggravating factors apply and what their legal implications are.

Aggravating Circumstances in the Crime of Robbery

In the context of Italian criminal law, the crime of robbery is governed by Article 628 of the Penal Code. Within it, various aggravating circumstances are provided that can increase the penalty for the offender. In particular, the sentence under review focuses on two aggravating factors:

  • Art. 628, paragraph three, no. 3-quinquies: Relates to the victim exceeding the age of sixty-five years.
  • Art. 61, no. 5: Refers to the presumption of greater vulnerability of the victim due to age.

The Focal Point of the Ruling

Aggravating factor under art. 628, paragraph three, no. 3-quinquies, penal code - Aggravating factor under art. 61, no. 5, penal code - Differences. The special aggravating circumstance provided for the crime of robbery by art. 628, paragraph three, no. 3-quinquies, penal code, is related to the fact of the victim exceeding the age of sixty-five years, and not to the relative presumption of greater vulnerability of the victim due to age, which is referenced by the common aggravating circumstance provided for by art. 61, no. 5, penal code. (In the reasoning, the Court specified that the aggravating factor of the age of the victim referred to in art. 628, paragraph three, no. 3-quinquies, penal code applies in the case of robbery committed to the detriment of a person over sixty-five years old, without the need for a specific investigation into the actual impact of the age of the injured party on the commission of the criminal conduct, or without the possibility of proving the irrelevance, in the specific case, of the demographic data).

The Court clarified that the aggravating factor provided by art. 628, paragraph three, no. 3-quinquies, applies automatically when the victim has exceeded sixty-five years, without the necessity of further evidence regarding the specific vulnerability of the injured person. This approach significantly simplifies the burden of proof for the prosecution, making it easier to apply the law.

Legal Implications and Conclusions

The consequences of this ruling are notable. On one hand, it strengthens the protection of elderly individuals, recognizing the importance of safeguarding a category of individuals who, due to their age, may be more exposed to criminal behavior. On the other hand, it avoids an excessively subjective application of the laws, limiting the scope of inquiry into the victim's vulnerability.

In conclusion, sentence No. 17320 of 2022 represents a step forward in defining the aggravating circumstances in the crime of robbery, establishing a clear normative boundary that protects the most vulnerable segments of the population. It is essential for legal professionals to consider these differences for a correct application of current regulations.

Bianucci Law Firm