Commentary on Judgment No. 17585 of 2023: The Prohibition of 'Reformatio in Peius' and Its Implications

The judgment no. 17585 of March 23, 2023, filed on April 27, 2023, offers an interesting opportunity for reflection on the principle of the prohibition of 'reformatio in peius' in Italian criminal law. This principle, which prevents the appellate judge from aggravating the defendant's position regarding the penalty already imposed in the first instance, is at the center of the Supreme Court's decision and deserves detailed analysis to understand its practical consequences.

The Prohibition of 'Reformatio in Peius'

The Court, presided over by Dr. R. E., established that the prohibition of 'reformatio in peius' is not limited only to the overall amount of the penalty but extends to all autonomous elements that contribute to the determination of the penalty itself. In other words, if a defendant files an appeal regarding an aggravating circumstance, the appellate judge cannot impose a penalty increase greater than that already determined by the first-instance judge.

PROHIBITION OF "REFORMATIO IN PEIUS" - Reference only to the overall amount of the penalty - Exclusion - Reference to all autonomous elements that contribute to determining the penalty - Existence - Consequences. The prohibition of "reformatio in peius" concerning the judgment appealed by the sole defendant does not only concern the overall amount of the penalty but all autonomous elements that contribute to determining it, so that the appellate judge, in the event of acceptance of the appeal filed by the sole defendant regarding the existence of an aggravating circumstance, cannot apply, for the remaining circumstance, a penalty increase greater than that imposed by the first-instance judgment.

Practical Implications of the Judgment

The implications of this judgment are significant for the defense of defendants. In fact, the principle of the prohibition of 'reformatio in peius' ensures certain protection against legal decisions that could result in excessive punitive measures in the appeal stage. The consequences of this judgment can be summarized in the following points:

  • Strengthening the protection of defendants' rights;
  • Clarity in appeal procedures;
  • Limitation of the discretionary power of the appellate judge.


In conclusion, judgment no. 17585 of 2023 represents an important step forward in the legal reasoning concerning the prohibition of 'reformatio in peius'. It underscores the importance of balancing the demands of justice and the right of defense, ensuring that the defendant does not suffer unjustified aggravations. In an ever-evolving legal context, such principles remain fundamental for respecting individual rights and safeguarding criminal justice.

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