The recent judgment no. 37887 of June 27, 2024, filed on October 15, 2024, issued by the Court of Cassation, represents an important piece in the jurisprudence regarding the detention regime under art. 41-bis of the penitentiary system. This article, in particular, regulates the modalities of detention for those convicted of mafia-related crimes and conspiracy. The Court annulled and referred back a decision made by the Surveillance Court of Rome, highlighting the importance of a proper evaluation of the defensive allegations concerning the ceased operations of the camorra clan to which the convicted person, D. B., belonged.
The regime established by art. 41-bis has as its main objective to prevent the possibility of contacts between inmates and criminal associations, thus ensuring public safety. However, the judgment in question emphasizes how the extension of such a regime requires a thorough assessment of the convict's ability to maintain such contacts.
Regime pursuant to art. 41-bis of the penal code - Extension - Evaluation elements - Identification - Hypothesis. For the purposes of the extension of the differentiated detention regime under art. 41-bis of law 26 July 1975, no. 354, the assessment of the current ability of the convict to maintain contacts with the criminal association, to be carried out taking into account the parameters indicated in non-exhaustive terms by paragraph 2-bis of the aforementioned provision, consists of a reasoned merit assessment involving all elements, not necessarily subsequent, revealing the persistence of the danger conditions originally underlying the aforementioned regime.
One of the most significant aspects of this judgment is the emphasis placed on the necessity to thoroughly evaluate the defensive allegations. The Court, in fact, annulled the extension measure of the detention regime, highlighting how the Surveillance Court had not taken into account the evidence presented by the defense, which demonstrated the ceased operations of the clan. This leads to an important reflection on the balancing act between security needs and individual rights.
Judgment no. 37887 of 2024 represents a step forward in the protection of the rights of inmates, emphasizing the importance of a fair and complete evaluation of individual situations. The Court of Cassation, with its decision, highlighted that the extension of the regime under art. 41-bis cannot be granted automatically but must result from careful and reasoned analysis. This approach, while requiring further regulatory and jurisprudential developments, marks an important evolution in Italian criminal law, ensuring greater attention to the rights of the convicted.