Commentary on Judgment No. 47185 of 2024: Withdrawal of the Complaint and Constitution of Civil Party

Judgment No. 47185 of November 27, 2024, represents an important step forward in understanding the dynamics related to the withdrawal of the complaint and the constitution of a civil party, particularly regarding offenses that have become prosecutable only upon the complaint of the injured party following Legislative Decree No. 150/2022. This ruling clarifies how the revocation of the constitution of a civil party can integrate the withdrawal of the complaint, thereby modifying the legal actions available to the parties involved.

The Regulatory Context

Legislative Decree No. 150 of October 10, 2022, introduced significant changes in the Italian legal landscape, making some offenses prosecutable exclusively upon the complaint of the injured party. In this context, the judgment under examination focuses on the importance of the punitive intent expressed by the injured party, highlighting how the constitution of a civil party can be considered such an expression.

Analysis of the Judgment

Offenses that have become prosecutable upon complaint as a result of Legislative Decree No. 150 of October 10, 2022 - Punitive intent inferred from the constitution of a civil party - Revocation of the constitution of a civil party - Effects - Withdrawal of the complaint - Integration - Reasons. In the case of offenses that have become prosecutable upon complaint following the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 150/2022, where the expression of the intent to complain has been inferred from the constitution of a civil party, the revocation of the constitution, eliminating the only expression of punitive intent from the injured party, integrates the withdrawal of the complaint.

The maxim above effectively summarizes the principle established by the Court. The revocation of the constitution of a civil party implies that there is no longer a punitive intent from the injured party, and consequently, it is considered as if the complaint has been withdrawn. This aspect is crucial, as it emphasizes how the Italian legal system recognizes the centrality of the injured party's intent in criminal prosecution.

Practical Implications

The implications of this judgment are manifold and deserve attention:

  • The revocation of the constitution of a civil party must be carefully evaluated, as it can lead to the withdrawal of the complaint.
  • The parties involved must be aware of the legal consequences arising from their willingness to pursue or not pursue an offense.
  • The importance of legal advice becomes fundamental to navigate the new regulatory developments and strategic decisions.

In summary, Judgment No. 47185 of 2024 offers an important clarification on the relationship between the withdrawal of the complaint and the constitution of a civil party, prompting a more in-depth analysis of the rights and powers of injured parties in the criminal process.


In conclusion, the Court of Cassation, with its decision, reaffirmed the importance of the injured party's intent in the context of prosecutable offenses upon complaint. The withdrawal of the complaint, in this case, is configured as a direct effect of the revocation of the constitution of a civil party, an aspect that every legal practitioner must consider in managing criminal cases. Regulatory evolutions require constant updating and a deep understanding of the interactions between different norms to ensure effective protection of the rights of the parties involved.

Bianucci Law Firm