Analysis of Judgment No. 46338 of 2024: Death of the Defender and Nullity of the Judgment

Judgment No. 46338 of October 29, 2024, issued by the Court of Appeal of Catanzaro, offers important insights regarding the issue of the nullity of judgments in relation to the death of the defendant's defender. In this article, we will analyze the implications of this decision, aiming to provide a clear and comprehensible framework on the matter.

Context of the Judgment

The legal case in question concerns the defendant P. M., who experienced the loss of their defender after the establishment of the adversarial process, but without this event being communicated to the judicial authority. The Court rejected the exception of nullity of the judgment, establishing that the death of the defender does not constitute a cause of nullity, provided that the judge had been correctly informed.

Appeal paper procedure - Death of the defendant's defender occurring after the regular establishment of the adversarial process - Lack of communication to the judicial authority - Nullity of the judgment - Exclusion. In the context of the appeal judgment, the death of the defendant's defender occurring after the regular establishment of the adversarial process and not brought to the attention of the presiding judge does not constitute a cause of nullity of the judgment, despite the failure to formulate written conclusions by the defense, in the proceedings conducted without the presence of the parties pursuant to Article 23-bis of Decree Law No. 137 of October 28, 2020, converted, with modifications, by Law No. 176 of December 18, 2020.

Implications of the Judgment

This judgment underscores the importance of communication in criminal proceedings. Indeed, the judge must be informed of significant events, such as the death of the defender, to ensure the correct conduct of the proceedings. The Court highlighted that the lack of communication cannot be a valid reason to declare the judgment null, provided that the adversarial process had already been properly established.

  • The death of the defender does not automatically imply the nullity of the judgment.
  • It is essential that the judge is informed of events that could influence the proceedings.
  • The rules concerning appeals ensure a balance between the rights of the defense and the necessity of justice.


In conclusion, judgment No. 46338 of 2024 represents an important clarification regarding the nullity of judgments and communication in criminal proceedings. It reminds all legal practitioners of the importance of accurate information and adherence to procedures, fundamental elements to ensure a fair trial. The Court of Appeal of Catanzaro, with this decision, emphasizes the necessity to consider every aspect of the proceedings, so that the rights of the defendant are always protected.

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