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Judgment No. 16154 of 2013: A New Interpretation of Extortion

Judgment No. 16154 of the Court of Cassation, issued on April 8, 2013, represents an important step in understanding and interpreting the crime of extortion. In particular, the panel clarified how the figure of undue inducement, provided for by Article 319 quater of the Penal Code, can meet the requirements of the crime of extortion, bringing a significant change to the previous legal interpretation.

The Context of the Judgment

The case concerns P.F., convicted of extortion after abusing his position as a public official to extort money from Pi.Te., a citizen in difficulty. The Court of Appeal of Messina had initially upheld the conviction, believing that the inducement to pay had been achieved through psychological coercion. However, the Court of Cassation held that the act should be requalified as undue inducement, excluding the configurability of extortion.

This ruling provides food for thought on the need for a clear distinction between extortion and undue inducement, highlighting the importance of protecting victims in vulnerable situations.

The Legal Implications

The Court emphasized that undue inducement, unlike extortion, does not require the existence of a direct threat, but rather is based on suggestion and abuse of power. This new legal orientation implies that, in situations where a public official takes advantage of a private individual's difficulty, undue inducement can be configured without necessarily resorting to extortion.

  • This change offers greater protection for victims of abuse of power.
  • It clarifies the boundary between the crimes of extortion and undue inducement.
  • It could encourage reports from victims, knowing that there is adequate legal protection.


Judgment No. 16154 of 2013 marks a significant shift in Italian jurisprudence regarding crimes against the Public Administration. The recognition of undue inducement as an autonomous and distinct offense from extortion highlights the importance of constant vigilance against abuses of power. The Court of Cassation has indeed paved the way for a better interpretation of the norms, fostering a more equitable and incisive justice towards those attempting to exploit the vulnerabilities of others.