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Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation No. 631 of 2025: Fraudulent Bankruptcy and False Accounting

The judgment of the Court of Cassation No. 631 of 2025 represents an important intervention in the field of fraudulent bankruptcy and false corporate communications. In particular, the case concerns the directors of a bankrupt company, convicted for fraudulent operations and false communications, and offers insights into how the jurisprudence interprets and applies the laws regarding corporate crimes.

Context of the Judgment

The case examined by the Court refers to A.A. and B.B., directors of Tecno Pavimarche Due Srl, convicted for improper bankruptcy and false accounting. The Court of Appeal of Ancona had upheld the conviction, but the Court of Cassation partially annulled the judgment, highlighting a series of legal and motivational issues.

The Court of Cassation highlighted that the crime of false accounting is absorbed into fraudulent bankruptcy, requiring a correct interpretation of the applicable laws.

Main Legal Aspects

  • Absorption of Crimes: The Court of Cassation clarified that, once bankruptcy is declared, the act of false accounting is absorbed into the crime of fraudulent bankruptcy, as the latter includes the constitutive element of the former.
  • Causal Link: The judges observed that the Court of Appeal did not adequately consider the causal link between the fraudulent operations and the worsening of the financial distress, a fundamental element for the configuration of the crime of bankruptcy.
  • Subjective Elements: The judgment emphasizes the importance of assessing the subjective element, namely the intention to cause the financial distress, which must be proven and not merely assumed.


The judgment No. 631 of 2025 represents a clear example of how the Court of Cassation operates to ensure a coherent and rigorous interpretation of criminal laws in the corporate context. The distinction between the various crimes and the necessity for clear and logical reasoning are crucial aspects in criminal law, especially in the context of corporate operations. Directors must pay particular attention to their conduct, as even seemingly innocuous actions can have significant legal consequences.