Judgment No. 36011 of 2023: The Concurrent Aggravating Factors in Criminal Law

Analysis of ruling no. 36011 of July 12, 2023, which addresses the interplay between special and common aggravating factors in cases of family-related crimes, clarifying the legal and jurisprudential implications.

Judgment No. 35624 of 2023: Consent to the Collection of Biological Samples and Its Legal Validity.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the legal implications of the compulsory collection of biological samples, excluding the inadmissibility of the act in the absence of consent, and provides important insights for understanding the current regulations on the matter.

Judgment No. 33523 of 2023: Limitations on Interception in the Crime of Aggravated Fraud.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the limitations on the use of wiretaps in cases of aggravated fraud to the detriment of the State, highlighting the distinction between crimes against public administration and other offenses.

Commentary on Judgment No. 34630 of 2023: Extended Seizure and Origin of Assets

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the implications of extended confiscation and the relevance of the lawful origin of assets acquired through loans, even in cases of illicit funding.

Commentary on Judgment No. 35630 of 2023: Abnormalities in the Requalification of the Fact.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation highlights the issues related to the reclassification of the criminal act and the consequent abnormality of the trial. Let us analyze the legal implications of this decision.

Commentary on Judgment No. 33535 of 2023: Concurrent Crimes between Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards and Fraud.

Let’s analyze the recent ruling no. 33535 of 2023, which clarifies the contours of the concurrence of crimes in the case of improper use of payment instruments and fraud, illustrating the necessary conditions for the existence of this offense.

Judgment No. 34927 of 2023: The Extensive Effect of Withdrawal of Complaint.

Let's analyze the recent ruling no. 34927 of 2023, which clarifies the extensive effect of the withdrawal of the complaint in criminal proceedings, highlighting the implications for co-defendants and the legal significance of this decision.

Commentary on Judgment No. 34786 of 2023: The Mafia Method and Its Legal Implications

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the requirements for the integration of the aggravating factor of the 'mafia method' in usury contexts related to historical mafia organizations. A thorough analysis of the decision and its effects on Italian jurisprudence.

Commentary on Judgment No. 33560 of 2023: The Constraint of the Referral Judge.

Let us analyze ruling no. 33560 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation, which clarifies the role of the appellate judge after a annulment for violation of law, highlighting important legal principles and practical implications.

Commentary on Judgment No. 33623 of 2023: Standing to Appeal and Precautionary Measures

Let us analyze ruling no. 33623 of 2023, which clarifies the inadmissibility of the appeal to the Supreme Court regarding personal precautionary measures when the interest in appealing is limited to a single charge.