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Welcome to our page dedicated to criminal law. Here you can find a collection of articles, cases, and legal insights focusing on various aspects of criminal law.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section VI, No. 35366 of 2024: Embezzlement and Qualification as a Public Official.

Let's analyze the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation that confirmed the conviction for embezzlement of an employee of Poste Italiane, clarifying the distinction between public and private services and the qualification of public official.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of the Judgment of the Supreme Court, Criminal Section no. 33655 of 2020: Corruption of Public Officials

An in-depth analysis of the Supreme Court ruling concerning the corruption of public officials, highlighting the legal dynamics and judicial assessments that arise from it.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Cassation Court, Criminal Section No. 42651 of 2024: The New Frontiers of the Crime of Mafia Association in Electoral Matters.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation offers important insights into the configuration of the crime of mafia association in the electoral context, analyzing the methods of vote procurement and the responsibility of the actors involved.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section VI, No. 28412 of 2013: Reflections on Extortion and Undue Inducement.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation in 2013 offers important insights into the role of public officials and extortion by inducement, highlighting the interpretative challenges associated with these crimes. Let's explore together the details and legal implications of this case.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section VI, No. 27723 of 2018: Extortion and Forgery in Public Documents.

An in-depth analysis of the ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding the crimes of extortion and forgery in a public document, with particular attention to the responsibilities of the public officials involved.

Bianucci Law Firm
Supreme Court Criminal No. 46833/2023: Legitimacy of Precautionary Measures and International Wiretaps.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation confirms the admissibility of digital evidence obtained through international cooperation, clarifying the rights of defense and procedural guarantees in the context of mafia associations.

Bianucci Law Firm
Disclosure of official secrets: commentary on Cass. pen., Sez. VI, Judgment, 21/11/2019, n. 4512

Let's analyze the ruling of the Court of Cassation that outlines the distinction between the crime of disclosure of official secrets and the concurrence of offenses, with particular attention to Article 326 of the Penal Code.

Bianucci Law Firm
Ruling No. 16154 of 2013: A New Interpretation of Extortion.

Analysis of the ruling of the Court of Cassation that redefines the boundaries of extortion, introducing the figure of undue inducement. An important step towards greater legal clarity.

Bianucci Law Firm
Reflections on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation No. 37796 of 2020: Corruption and Accessory Penalties

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation raises important questions about the constitutional legitimacy of Article 317-bis of the Penal Code regarding the perpetual disqualification from public office in the event of a conviction for corruption offenses. Let us analyze the implications of this decision.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation No. 8695/2013: Undue Inducement and Prescription.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation highlights the distinction between extortion and undue inducement, clarifying the issue of the statute of limitations for offenses and the implications for public officials.