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Welcome to our page dedicated to criminal law. Here you can find a collection of articles, cases, and legal insights focusing on various aspects of criminal law.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section VI, No. 31174 of 2023: The New Guidelines on Extradition and Preventive Seizure.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation in 2023 provides significant insights regarding judicial cooperation between Italy and San Marino, highlighting the need to follow the correct notification and transmission procedures for preventive seizure.

Bianucci Law Firm
Money laundering and confiscation: Analysis of the ruling Cass. pen. no. 32176 of 2024

The recent ruling of the Supreme Court provides important clarifications on the confiscation of assets in the crime of money laundering, highlighting the distinction between the product, profit, and price of the crime.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section II, No. 18184 of 2024: Embezzlement and Money Laundering.

The ruling no. 18184 of 2024 of the Court of Cassation provides important clarifications on the correct application of confiscation in relation to the crimes of embezzlement and money laundering, analyzing the concept of profit and proceeds of crimes.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation Criminal Section No. 10218 of 2024: Money Laundering and Seizure of Proceeds.

The recent ruling of the Supreme Court clarifies the limits of confiscation in cases of money laundering, highlighting the difference between profit and proceeds. An analysis of the legal implications and regulatory interpretations.

Bianucci Law Firm
Cass. pen., Sec. II, Sent. No. 21618 of 2024: Reflections on Receiving Stolen Goods and the Identification of the Underlying Offense.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation offers food for thought on the need to identify the criminal origin of the money in cases of receiving stolen goods, highlighting the legal and jurisprudential implications of this requirement.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of the Judgment Cass. pen., Sec. II, no. 16369 of 2024: Seizure of Assets and Self-Laundering.

The ruling of the Supreme Court of Cassation in 2024 provides important insights into the limits and peculiarities of the crime of self-laundering, highlighting the conditions for the seizure of assets and judicial interpretations.

Bianucci Law Firm
Money Laundering and Fraud: Commentary on the Judgment of the Italian Court of Cassation, Criminal Section II, No. 8793 of 2024

Let's analyze the ruling of the Court of Cassation that confirmed the conviction for money laundering of an individual involved in cyber fraud, highlighting the legal implications and the Court's assessments.

Bianucci Law Firm
Judgment Cass. pen. no. 6586/2024: Money Laundering and Receipt Under Examination by the Court.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the boundaries between money laundering and receiving stolen goods, analyzing the conduct of A.A. and B.B. in the context of a dismantling operation of stolen vehicles. An in-depth analysis of jurisprudence and legal implications.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section II, No. 49691 of 2023: Receiving Stolen Goods and Reckless Purchase.

Analysis of the ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding money laundering and criminal liabilities in the case of careless purchase of stolen goods, with particular reference to the crime referred to in Article 648-bis of the Penal Code.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Criminal Section II, No. 29346 of 2023: Money Laundering and Computer Fraud

Let's analyze the ruling of the Court of Cassation that addresses the issue of receiving stolen goods and money laundering in relation to cyber fraud, highlighting the legal implications for the parties involved.