Compensation for catastrophic damage: Cass. No. 16592 of 2019 and equitable assessment.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 16592 of 2019 provides important guidelines on the assessment of catastrophic damage and the fairness of the economic evaluation by judges, emphasizing the need to consider psychological suffering in cases of imminent death.

Donation and ingratitude: commentary on the ruling Cass. civ. no. 9055/2022.

The Court of Cassation rules on the revocation of a donation for ingratitude, analyzing the behaviors of the donee and their legal consequences.

Civil liability in road traffic: analysis of Cass. Civ., Sect. VI - 3, Ord. no. 3764 of 2021.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation provides important insights on liability in the event of road accidents, highlighting the distinction between biological damage and moral damage. Let's explore the details of the ruling and its legal implications.

Civil Court No. 14615/2020: Medical Liability and Damages Compensation

Analysis of the ruling no. 14615 of 2020 by the Court of Cassation regarding the liability of the healthcare facility for damages from HCV infection following blood transfusions and the implications for compensation to the family members.

Landlord Liability: Commentary on the ruling of Cass. civ. no. 19744/2014

The ruling of the Court of Cassation in 2014 provides important insights into the landlord's liability in the event of damages arising from non-compliant installations. Let's analyze the legal principles applied and the practical implications for landlords and tenants.

Damages Compensation: Judgment No. 14818 of 2012 by the Supreme Court and the Rights of Relatives.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the rights of the relatives of victims of road accidents regarding compensation for damages. A thorough analysis of the decision and its legal implications.

The Court of Cassation and False Oath: Commentary on Judgment No. 3368 of 2023

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 3368 of 2023 clarifies the relationship between oath and civil liability, highlighting the autonomy between criminal and civil proceedings.

Professional Liability: Analysis of Judgment No. 1797/2019 of the Court of Appeal of Milan.

The Court of Appeal of Milan rules on a case of professional liability in the medical field, establishing important criteria for the assessment of non-economic damages and compensation by insurance companies.

Prescription and liability in damages compensation: the ruling of Cass. civ. no. 20327 of 2023.

Analysis of the ruling of the Court of Cassation No. 20327 of 2023 concerning the statute of limitations and the employer's liability for workplace injuries, highlighting the relationship between civil and criminal laws.

Court of Cassation, Order No. 18815 of 2024: Reflections on Professional Liability in Health Matters and the Right to Life.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation raises crucial questions about the liability of healthcare professionals and the rights of the unborn. An analysis of ruling no. 18815/2024 and the legal implications for the right to compensation.