Judgment No. 14276 of 2022: Transfer of Narcotic Substances and Commission of the Offense

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies that for the commission of the crime of drug trafficking, an agreement between the parties is sufficient, without the need for physical delivery. Let’s explore the meaning of this important ruling.

Liability of the Road Owner Authority: Judgment No. 16754 of 2023

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the responsibilities of the entity that owns public roads in the event of accidents, highlighting the obligation of supervision even in the presence of contracts for maintenance work.

Comment on ruling no. 13817 of 2023: Evidence seizure and formal defects

Let's analyze ruling no. 13817 of 2023, highlighting the implications of the evidential seizure and the formal defects that can influence precautionary measures. Let's explore together the details and legal consequences.

Analysis of Judgment No. 13806 of 2023: the Prohibition of "Reformatio in Peius

The ruling no. 13806 of 2023 provides an important reflection on the prohibition of 'reformatio in peius' in criminal law, highlighting the limits and powers of the remanding judge in determining penalties for continued offenses.

Commentary on Judgment No. 16994 of 2023: Prohibition of Reformatio in Peius and Monetary Penalty

Let's analyze ruling no. 16994 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation concerning the prohibition of reformatio in peius and the distinction between custodial and monetary penalties, in order to understand the legal implications of this decision.

Analysis of Judgment No. 17190 of 2023: the Applicability of Article 131-bis of the Criminal Code.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the retroactive applicability of Article 131-bis of the Criminal Code for offenses committed before the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 150 of 2022, expanding the parameters of non-punishability.

Mandatory confiscation for firearm offenses: commentary on ruling no. 17644 of 2023.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the mandatory confiscation for offenses related to weapons, even in the case of dismissal of the proceedings. Let’s analyze the legal and practical implications of this decision.

Commentary on Judgment No. 16343 of 2023: Precautionary Measures and Inference from Acts.

Let us analyze ruling no. 16343 of 2023, which clarifies the notion of the inferability of acts in precautionary measures, with particular reference to the complexity of EncroChat communications.

Culpable Arson and Liability: Commentary on Judgment No. 17208 of 2023

Let's analyze the recent ruling no. 17208 of 2023 that clarifies responsibilities in cases of negligent fire related to violations of safety regulations for systems, highlighting the role of the technical manager.

Judgment No. 16347 of 2023: Messaging on Sky ECC and the Admissibility of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings.

The ruling no. 16347 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation clarifies the usability of messaging on Sky ECC acquired through a European investigation order, distinguishing between informational data and communication flows. Let's explore the details and legal implications of this decision.