Comment on Judgment No. 14444 of 2023: Requalification 'in peius' and Duty of Enhanced Motivation.

Judgment No. 14444 of 2023 clarifies the implications of the legal requalification of the facts and the obligation to renew the trial proceedings, highlighting the importance of a strengthened rationale in cases of divergent evaluation of evidence.

Commentary on Judgment No. 15852 of 2023: Preventive Seizure and the Right to a Hearing

Let us analyze ruling no. 15852 of 2023, which clarifies the limits of preventive seizure and the right to a hearing, emphasizing the importance of reasoning in court decisions.

Analysis of Judgment No. 14467 of 2023: Extradition and Fundamental Rights

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation addresses the issue of extradition and the validity of evidence obtained in abbreviated trials, highlighting the importance of fundamental rights and procedural guarantees.

Coercion and Concurrence of Persons: Analysis of Ruling No. 17918 of 2023

The ruling no. 17918 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation clarifies the ways of participation in extortion even for those who do not have subjective qualification. An in-depth analysis of the legal implications of this principle.

Abbreviated trial and tacit waiver: commentary on sentence no. 15422 of 2023.

Analysis of ruling no. 15422 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation, which clarifies the implications of the request for abbreviated trial and the tacit waiver of the plea of lack of territorial jurisdiction.

Preventive confiscation and third-party rights: commentary on ruling no. 14647 of 2023

The recent ruling no. 14647 of 2023 provides important clarifications on preventive confiscation and the admissibility of claims for the recognition of credit, even in the absence of specific amounts. Learn more.

Judgment No. 15431 of 2023: Pre-trial Detention and Legal Automatism

The ruling no. 15431 of March 15, 2023 sheds light on the automatic extension of pre-trial detention terms for the most serious offenses, highlighting the legal and practical consequences for criminal proceedings.

Judgment No. 17563 of 2023: Defamation and Insult Compared

An analysis of the recent ruling no. 17563 of 2023 that clarifies the differences between insult and defamation, highlighting the legal implications in the context of modern communication.

Analysis of Judgment No. 17564 of 2023: Accessory Penalties and Continued Crimes

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation provides important clarifications on the calculation of accessory penalties in cases of continued offenses, highlighting the distinction between homogeneous and non-homogeneous crimes. Let's explore together the details and legal implications of this decision.

Analysis of Judgment No. 17934 of 2023: Preclusions in the Remand Proceedings for European Arrest Warrant.

The recent ruling no. 17934 of 2023 provides important insights into procedural bars in the context of the European arrest warrant. Let us explore together the meaning and implications of this decision.