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Analysis of the Judgment Cass. Civ., Sez. III, No. 26851 of 2023: Medical Responsibility and Compensation for Damages

The judgment No. 26851 of 2023 from the Court of Cassation provides important insights on medical responsibility and compensation for damages. In this case, the Court addressed the issue of diagnostic error and the consequences it has for patients and their families. The decision emphasizes the complexity of the relationship between medical error and harm, highlighting how the jurisprudence evolves to protect the rights of the injured parties.

The Case Examined by the Court

The appeal filed by the Health Authority pertains to a diagnostic error concerning a patient suffering from infiltrating ductal carcinoma. The error, which occurred in 2006, led to a misdiagnosis and a subsequent therapeutic omission, resulting in severe consequences for the patient. The Court of Appeal of Florence had initially accepted the compensation claim, recognizing the differential damage and the loss of chances of survival.

The Legal Implications of the Judgment

Medical responsibility is not limited to the mere administration of therapies but involves a set of duties of diligence and competence on the part of healthcare professionals.
  • Diagnostic error: the Court confirmed that an error in diagnosis can have devastating consequences for the patient, which translates into liability for the healthcare provider.
  • Biological damage: the recognized damage is not only economic but also includes the quality of life and the pain suffered by the patient.
  • Loss of chances: the ruling reiterates the importance of evaluating not only the damage suffered but also the possibility of a better life that could have been compromised by the medical error.


The judgment No. 26851 of 2023 marks an important step in Italian jurisprudence regarding medical responsibility. It highlights how, even in the presence of a diagnostic error, it is crucial to consider the long-term effects on the patient's life. Victims of medical errors can find in the jurisprudence an ally in their struggle for justice and compensation, making the protection of patients' rights increasingly central to the legal debate.