The Milan Court, in its ruling on March 8, 2023, addressed a crucial issue regarding the recognition of benefits for survivors in the event of death related to Covid-19 contracted during work. This ruling represents a significant step forward in the protection of workers' rights, especially during a delicate period such as the pandemic.
The case was brought by R. against INAIL to obtain benefits for the survivors of his wife, who passed away due to Covid-19. The Court had to ascertain whether there was a causal link between the illness contracted and the woman's work activities, as she was employed as a judicial assistant.
The Judge agrees with the conclusions of the expert witness, given the comprehensiveness of the examination conducted and considering the scientific insights that support them.
The testimonies and the technical consultation highlighted that the worker was operating in a crowded environment, without adequate protective measures, contributing to demonstrating the possibility of contagion at the workplace.
The expert confirmed that the working conditions of Ms. A. constituted a high risk of contagion, asserting that the infection was more likely to occur in the work environment rather than at home. The testimonial and documentary evidence supported the existence of a causal link between the work and the death, leading the Judge to accept the appeal.
This ruling highlights the importance of ensuring the protection of workers' rights, especially in situations of public health emergencies. The recognition of benefits for survivors represents a strong signal from the Italian legal system, which is committed to protecting those who, due to their profession, have suffered the most severe consequences of the pandemic. The decision of the Milan Court not only provides justice for the victim's family but also emphasizes the need for adequate safety measures in workplaces to prevent similar situations in the future.