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Medical liability and damage from diagnostic error: commentary on the ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 26851 of 2023

The ruling no. 26851 of 2023 by the Court of Cassation offers an important reflection on medical liability and the consequences of a diagnostic error. In this case, the mistake made by the healthcare professionals had significant repercussions on the patient's life, worsening her health condition and reducing her chances of survival. Let us analyze the key points of the decision and the legal implications for health professionals.

The context of the decision

The case concerns a diagnostic error regarding a tumor pathology, which led to a failure to administer appropriate therapies. The Court of Appeal of Florence initially recognized the liability of the Local Health Authority (ASL), assessing the consequences of the diagnostic error in terms of biological damage and loss of chance of survival. However, the ASL's appeal raised questions regarding the correct application of the principles of liability and damage assessment.

The Court confirmed that the diagnostic error had negatively affected the evolution of the disease, recognizing the damage from loss of chance and permanent biological damage.

The legal questions raised

  • Burden of proof: The ruling addresses the issue of the burden of proof, clarifying that the liability of the healthcare professional must be evaluated not only in terms of material causality but also of legal causality.
  • Assessment of damage: The Court distinguished between damage from loss of chance and damage from premature death, emphasizing the need for an equitable assessment in case of uncertainties regarding life expectancy.
  • Customization of damage: The right to customize biological damage was recognized, taking into account the specific circumstances of the patient's life.


The ruling no. 26851 of 2023 represents an important reference for jurisprudence concerning medical liability. It clarifies the criteria for evaluating damage in case of diagnostic error and emphasizes the importance of correctly quantifying the consequences on the victim's life. The decision urges health professionals to pay greater attention in diagnosing and treating diseases, in order to ensure the right to health and to avoid irreparable harm.