Bianucci Law Firm
Corte di Cassazione, Sez. VI - 3, Ord. n. 16874/2022: Medical Liability and Technical Consultancy

The ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 16874/2022 clarifies important aspects of professional liability in the medical field and the importance of technical consultancy, highlighting how a proper assessment can influence the outcome of the judgment.

Bianucci Law Firm
Court of Cassation, Section III, Order No. 24741/2023: Acoustic Emissions and the Right to Compensation

The ruling of the Court of Cassation of August 17, 2023 clarifies the dynamics related to noise emissions and the right to compensation for health damages, highlighting the owner's liability and the limits of evidence in the matter of noise pollution.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on ruling no. 6856/2024 of the Court of Appeal of Rome on civil liability in case of traffic accidents.

Let's analyze the ruling no. 6856 of October 31, 2024, of the Court of Appeal of Rome, which upheld the rejection of the claim for damages for the death of a motorcyclist, in terms of civil liability and the dynamics of the accident.

Bianucci Law Firm
Professional liability of the accountant: the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Naples.

Analysis of judgment no. 2408/2024 of the Court of Appeal of Naples, which addresses the issues of professional civil liability and evidence in the tax field.