Let’s analyze the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding the liability of the ASL for infections contracted in hospitals. An emblematic case that raises important questions about the right to health and the burden of proof.
The Milan Court accepted the appeal for the payment of the pension to the survivors, recognizing the causal link between death from Covid-19 and the work activity. An important step for the protection of workers' rights during the pandemic.
Analysis of the very recent ruling of the Court of Cassation that clarifies the limits of rounding for the recognition of compensation in the case of permanent disability due to injury. Essential for damage compensation claims.
Let's analyze the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation that addressed the issue of medical liability and the start of the limitation period for compensation for damages. A case that highlights important aspects of the diligence required of the patient in assessing their health conditions.
Analysis of the ruling by the Court of Appeal of Milan that confirms the liability of the Fondazione Centro S.R. del M.T. for the death of a patient due to medical negligence. The importance of the causal link and the correct identification of the clinical pathway is discussed.
The ruling of the Court of Cassation No. 1361 of 2014 clarified important aspects regarding the compensation for non-economic damages and its transmissibility to heirs, establishing fundamental criteria for the assessment of damages in the event of death. Let us analyze the key points of the decision.
The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the boundaries between biological damage and moral damage, highlighting the importance of allegations in the compensation for non-economic damages.
Let's analyze the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation that clarifies the links between compensation for non-pecuniary damage and the validity of resignations in the context of an employment relationship, highlighting the principles of dignity and respect for the worker.
Let's explore the ruling of the Court of Cassation that clarifies responsibilities in the event of damages suffered by a newborn during hospitalization. An analysis of the causal link between the conduct of healthcare personnel and the damages incurred.
The ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 16592 of 2019 provides important guidelines on the assessment of catastrophic damage and the fairness of the economic evaluation by judges, emphasizing the need to consider psychological suffering in cases of imminent death.