Understanding Legal Concepts of Damage in Jurisprudence

Welcome to our curated collection of articles focusing on the legal concept of damage in jurisprudence. Stay informed on the latest rulings and analysis in this area of law.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on Judgment No. 17216 of 2023: Mitigating Factors and Damage Repair.

Analysis of ruling no. 17216 of 2023, which addresses the issue of damage compensation and disparities in treatment among defendants in relation to their economic conditions.

Bianucci Law Firm
Commentary on Judgment No. 37745 of 2024: Admissibility of Complaint and Damage.

Analysis of ruling no. 37745 of 2024 addressing the issue of prosecutability upon complaint in relation to property damage offenses, highlighting the legal and practical implications for citizens and legal practitioners.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of ruling no. 39603 of 2024: legal continuity regarding the damage of cultural heritage.

The ruling no. 39603 of 2024 provides important clarifications on the regulatory continuity regarding the damage to cultural heritage, highlighting the existence of different offenses and their specific cases. Let’s explore together the meaning of this ruling.

Bianucci Law Firm
Court of Cassation, Section III, Judgment No. 29492 of 2019: Reflections on the Compensation for Non-Economic Damage.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 29492 of 2019 provides important insights into the compensability of non-economic damages in the case of illness and death, analyzing the distinctions between biological, catastrophic, and terminal damage, and the implications of the statute of limitations.

Bianucci Law Firm
Liability of Consob: ruling no. 9067 of 2018 and the duty of supervision.

The Court of Cassation, with ruling no. 9067 of 2018, clarifies the responsibility of Consob for lack of oversight and the causal link with the damages suffered by investors, analyzing the powers and duties of the regulatory authority.

Bianucci Law Firm
Compensation for damages from road accidents: ruling no. 4166 of 2024 by the Court of Cassation.

Analysis of the recent ruling by the Court of Cassation concerning the compensation for parental damage in the case of road accidents, focusing on compensation tables and the correct quantification of damages.

Bianucci Law Firm
Liability in the travel package: commentary on the ruling Cass. civ., Section III, Ord. n. 1417/2023.

Let's analyze the recent decision of the Court of Cassation that clarifies the joint liability between travel agencies and tour operators in the event of damages suffered by consumers during a travel package.

Bianucci Law Firm
Civil Court of Cassation, Section III, Judgment No. 40885 of 2021: Reflections on the Applicability of Art. 141 of the Insurance Code.

The article analyzes the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding the applicability of Article 141 of the Insurance Code in the case of road accidents without the involvement of other vehicles, clarifying the rights of passengers and the responsibilities of insurance companies.

Bianucci Law Firm
Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Civil Section III, No. 10578 of 2018: Compensation for Non-Pecuniary Damage.

The ruling of the Court of Cassation in 2018 clarifies the responsibilities of the employer in cases of occupational diseases and compensation for non-pecuniary damages. An emblematic case for Italian jurisprudence.

Bianucci Law Firm
Court of Cassation, Section III, Order No. 6443/2023: Reflections on the Compensation for Moral and Biological Damage.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation analyzes the distinction between biological damage and moral damage, highlighting the importance of avoiding compensation duplications and providing rigorous evidence in cases of psychological injuries.