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Jurisdiction in Cases of Child Abduction: Analysis of Judgment C-603/20 of the Court of Justice of the EU

The recent judgment C-603/20 issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union on March 24, 2021, provides significant insights regarding jurisdiction in matters of parental responsibility, especially in situations of child abduction to third States. This ruling is situated within the context of Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003, a fundamental legal framework for judicial cooperation in civil matters within the European Union.

The Context of the Judgment

The case in question, originating from the High Court of Justice of the United Kingdom, involved an Indian father and mother, both residing in the UK, in a dispute concerning the return of their daughter, who was unlawfully taken to India by the mother. The central issue presented to the Court was whether Article 10 of Regulation No. 2201/2003, which establishes jurisdiction in cases of child abduction, could apply in a jurisdictional conflict between a Member State and a third State.

The Court clarified that Article 10 does not apply in cases where a child has acquired habitual residence in a third State following an abduction.

Analysis of the Judgment

The Court established that Article 10 applies solely to jurisdictional conflicts between Member States, explicitly excluding situations in which a child is unlawfully transferred to a third country. This is particularly significant as it implies that, in such cases, the judicial authorities of the Member State where the child had habitual residence prior to the abduction cannot maintain their jurisdiction indefinitely.

According to the Court, jurisdiction must be determined based on applicable international conventions or, in the absence of these, according to the national laws of the country where the application is filed. This approach aims to ensure that justice is administered in the best interests of the child, promoting proximity and integration into the new social and familial environment.

Implications of the Decision

  • The judgment emphasizes the importance of effective cooperation among Member States and adherence to international conventions, such as the 1980 Hague Convention and the 1996 Convention.
  • It reinforces the need to preserve the best interests of the child, preventing unlawful transfers from altering jurisdictional competencies in favor of the abductor.
  • It encourages reflections on national legislation and its relationship with European and international regulations to ensure adequate protection for children involved in abduction situations.


In summary, the judgment C-603/20 represents a significant step in defining jurisdictional competencies regarding parental responsibility in cases of child abduction. It clarifies that the judicial authorities of a Member State cannot maintain their jurisdiction indefinitely when a child has been abducted to a third State, highlighting the necessity of referring to international conventions and national laws. This approach fosters more effective protection of children's rights, ensuring that decisions are made in the most appropriate context for their well-being.