Liability of Consob: ruling no. 9067 of 2018 and the duty of supervision.

The Court of Cassation, with ruling no. 9067 of 2018, clarifies the responsibility of Consob for lack of oversight and the causal link with the damages suffered by investors, analyzing the powers and duties of the regulatory authority.

Compensation for damages from road accidents: ruling no. 4166 of 2024 by the Court of Cassation.

Analysis of the recent ruling by the Court of Cassation concerning the compensation for parental damage in the case of road accidents, focusing on compensation tables and the correct quantification of damages.

Civil Court of Cassation, Section III, Judgment No. 40885 of 2021: Reflections on the Applicability of Art. 141 of the Insurance Code.

The article analyzes the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation regarding the applicability of Article 141 of the Insurance Code in the case of road accidents without the involvement of other vehicles, clarifying the rights of passengers and the responsibilities of insurance companies.

Professional Liability: Judgment No. 4277/2024 of the Court of Cassation on the Surgeon and Iatrogenic Injury.

Let's analyze the recent ruling of the Court of Cassation that confirmed the surgeon's liability for an iatrogenic injury during a procedure, highlighting the principles of professional responsibility and the assessment of the damage suffered by the patient.

Catastrophic Damage and Settlement: Analysis of the Judgment Cass. Civ. No. 16592/2019

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the criteria for assessing catastrophic damages, highlighting the importance of personalizing compensation in cases of psychological suffering related to traumatic events.

Liability of Public Administration: Commentary on Cass. civ., Section III, Order No. 5984/2023

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the responsibilities of tax agents and the burden of proof in compensation for damages for the violation of subjective rights. An analysis of the case C.C. against the Revenue Agency.

Civ. Cass., Section III, Order no. 36504 of 2023: Burden of proof in compensation for damages from blood transfusion.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies important aspects regarding the burden of proof in cases of harm from blood transfusion, highlighting the relevance of medical documentation and the establishment of causation.

Professional Liability in Healthcare: Commentary on the Judgment of the Court of Vicenza No. 262/2023

Analysis of the ruling of February 2, 2023, which rejected the compensation claim for damages from Covid-19 infection in the hospital, highlighting the need to demonstrate the causal link between the conduct of the healthcare facility and the patient's death.

Analysis of the Judgment Cass. civ., Labor Section, Order No. 25191 of 2023: Employer Liability and Differential Damage.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation provides significant insights into the employer's liability in cases of occupational illness. In particular, it analyzes the causal link between the work activity and the damage suffered by the worker, as well as the issue of compensation for moral damages.

Court of Appeal of Naples, Judgment No. 2461/2024: Compensation for Damages from Road Accident.

The ruling of the Court of Appeal of Naples, no. 2461 of 2024, clarifies the dynamics of compensation for non-economic and economic damages resulting from road accidents, highlighting the importance of testimonial evidence in identifying the responsible vehicle.