The Cassation on the F.F. Case: Expiration of Parental Responsibility and Sine Die Custody in 2022

The recent ruling no. 33147 of November 10, 2022, by the Court of Cassation offers significant reflections on the delicate issues related to custody and parental responsibility. In particular, the ruling focuses on the case of F.F., a minor who underwent a long process of foster care, highlighting the problems associated with the expiration of parental responsibility and the temporary nature of custody.

The Context of the Ruling

The proceedings began with the foster care of F.F. to C.C. and D.D., following the economic and social difficulties of the natural parents, A.A. and B.B. The Court of Cassation had to assess whether the expiration of parental responsibility was justified. The Court of Appeal of Ancona had confirmed this expiration, believing that the parents had neglected their duties, causing serious harm to the minor.

  • The minor showed signs of emotional distress during meetings with her biological parents.
  • The update reports highlighted a persistent discomfort of the minor.
  • The Court emphasized the need to ensure a growth process that took into account the minor's life experience.

The Reasons of the Cassation

The expiration of parental responsibility presupposes the violation or negligence of duties by the parents with serious harm to the minor child.

The Cassation accepted the appeal of the natural parents, highlighting that specific behaviors justifying the expiration of responsibility had not been specified. It emerged that the economic difficulties and precarious living conditions had initially led to consensual custody, but the parents had always shown willingness to maintain contact with their daughter.

Furthermore, the Court reiterated a consolidated legal principle: the economic or psychological difficulties of the parents cannot justify depriving the minor of the right to grow up in their own family. The ruling highlighted the importance of adequate intervention by social services, whose role is crucial in ensuring the well-being of the minor during the custody process.


The ruling of the Cassation on the F.F. case represents an important reflection on family dynamics and the best interests of the minor. The Court emphasized that parental responsibility cannot be revoked without a thorough assessment of parental conduct and objective difficulties. The call for the necessity of adequate interventions by social services further highlights the importance of constant support for families in difficulty, so that they can overcome their problems and ensure a healthy and protective environment for their children.

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