The recent ordinance of the Court of Cassation, No. 5738 of 2023, provides important reflections on the issue of child custody in the event of parental separation. Specifically, the Court examined the case of a minor born out of wedlock, establishing a shared custody arrangement and equal visitation rights. However, the decision raised questions about the correct application of the principle of the child's best interest, highlighting that mere parity between parents cannot overlook a thorough evaluation of the specific circumstances.
The Court of Appeal of Venice had confirmed a first-instance ruling, establishing shared custody and revoking the assignment of the family home to the mother. However, the mother appealed to the Court of Cassation, contesting the decision on various grounds. The Court of Cassation, accepting the first ground of appeal, emphasized that the child's interest cannot be considered abstractly but must take into account the specific family and social conditions.
The revocation of the family home cannot constitute an automatic effect of the equal exercise of visitation rights.
In conclusion, the ordinance of the Court of Cassation No. 5738 of 2023 reaffirms the importance of a thorough analysis of family conditions in cases of child custody. The decision urges judges not to limit themselves to a superficial assessment but to consider the child's well-being as a fundamental criterion in deciding on custody and placement. This approach aligns with the provisions of the New York Convention on the Rights of the Child, which places the child's well-being at the center of every decision.