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Divorce and Alimony: Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, Sec. I, No. 28483/2022

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation, No. 28483/2022, offers an important reflection on the rights and duties of spouses during divorce, with particular attention to alimony and maintenance expenses. In this order, the Court confirmed the decisions made regarding post-divorce economic obligations, outlining the criteria that should guide the determination of alimony.

Context of the Ruling

The case involves A.A. and B.B., who, after a consensual separation, faced disputes regarding alimony and child maintenance. The Court of Appeal of Messina had already established the amount of the divorce alimony at 400 euros per month, deeming the assessments of the first instance court appropriate. The appellant A.A. contested this decision, bringing the case to the Court of Cassation.

The Court of Cassation reiterated the importance of considering not only the financial conditions of the obligated parent but also the needs of the minor and the family dynamics.

Underlying Legal Principles

Among the issues addressed in the ruling, the principle of proportionality stands out, which should guide the quantification of maintenance and divorce alimony. The Court referred to Article 337-ter of the Civil Code, emphasizing that the assessment must take into account the needs of the minor and the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage. Furthermore, the Court stated that the reasoning behind the decisions must be not only logical but also adequately supported by factual elements.

  • Importance of the standard of living during the marriage.
  • Consideration of the increasing needs of the minor.
  • Evaluation of the working capacities of each spouse.

Implications for Spouses

This ruling fits into a broader legal context, where the Court clarified that the right to divorce alimony is closely linked to the economic condition of the requesting spouse. The decision of the Court of Appeal, confirmed by the Court of Cassation, highlights that choices made during the marriage can influence post-separation financial decisions. It is essential for spouses to understand that their actions and decisions during married life can have significant repercussions in the subsequent phases of separation and divorce.


In conclusion, the ruling No. 28483/2022 of the Court of Cassation represents an important milestone in defining the rights and duties of spouses during divorce. It reaffirms the importance of a detailed analysis of economic and family circumstances, highlighting how jurisprudence continues to evolve to protect the rights of minors and more vulnerable spouses.