Court of Cassation, criminal section no. 49642/2023: the protection of minors and the European protection order.

The recent ruling of the Supreme Court clarifies the application procedures of the European protection order for minors in cases of international abduction. An important victory for the protection of minors' rights even across borders.

The right of grandparents to visit: analysis of the judgment C-335/17 of the European Court of Justice (2018)

The Court of Justice of the European Union has clarified that the right of access also includes grandparents. Let's explore the implications of this important ruling together.

Judgment No. 24731 of 2024: Burden of Proof in the Maintenance of Adult Children

An analysis of the recent ruling by the Court of Cassation regarding the burden of proof for the maintenance of adult children, highlighting the principles of self-responsibility and case-by-case assessment.

Divorce Alimony and Jurisdiction: Analysis of the Order Cass. civ., Sez. I, n. 25353 of 2024

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation provides significant insights into the criteria for awarding alimony, examining Swiss law and the interests of spouses post-divorce.

The ruling no. 1358/2023 of the Supreme Court: Reflections on Successions and Indirect Donations.

Let's analyze the ruling of the Court of Cassation 1358/2023 regarding the issue of inheritances and indirect donations, highlighting the legal principles applied and the implications for the forced heirs.

Adoptability and Children's Rights: Commentary on Judgment No. 27999 of 2024

A recent ruling by the Court of Cassation highlights the importance of carefully assessing parental capacity and support measures before declaring the adoptability status. An in-depth analysis of children's rights and parental responsibilities.

Civil Court No. 18845/2024: Return of the Minor and Habitual Residence

The ruling no. 18845 of the Supreme Court provides crucial insights on the international abduction of minors, highlighting the importance of habitual residence and custody rights. A case that intertwines family law and child protection.

The right to maintenance according to the Court of Cassation: analysis of ruling no. 31555/2024.

The Court of Cassation has clarified the requirements for the recognition of the right to maintenance, highlighting the importance of the inability to provide for one's own livelihood in relation to ruling no. 31555 of 2024.

Recognition of spousal support: analysis of the ruling Cass. civ., Section I, Order No. 30537 of 2024.

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation on divorce and alimony highlights the importance of assessing the spouses' financial and income contributions. Let us explore the reasons for the appeal and the legal implications.

Divorce and alimony: the Court of Cassation confirms the importance of res judicata (Cass. civ. n. 30545/2024)

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation clarifies the limits of res judicata in the matter of divorce alimony, establishing that new circumstances must have actually arisen to justify a modification.