Separation and Fault: Analysis of the Very Recent Ruling of the Court of Cassation

The recent ruling of the Court of Cassation, no. 12478 of 2024, offers important insights into the topic of marital separation, with particular attention to fault and maintenance obligations. This order is set within a complex legal context, where the rights of minors and the responsibilities of parents must be equitably balanced.

The Case and the Court's Decision

The appeal filed by A.A. against the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Catanzaro was based on two main grounds. Firstly, the appellant contested the fault for the separation, arguing that the violence inflicted had not affected the marital relationship, as the spouses were already de facto separated. However, the Court reiterated that physical and moral violence constitutes a serious violation of marital duties, thus justifying the fault for the separation.

The repeated physical and moral violence inflicted by one spouse on the other constitutes such serious violations of the duties arising from marriage that they alone justify not only the pronouncement of personal separation but also the declaration of its fault attributable to the perpetrator.

Maintenance Obligations and Imprisonment

The second ground of the appeal concerned the suspension of maintenance obligations by A.A. due to his imprisonment. The Court clarified that the state of imprisonment does not automatically exclude the obligation of maintenance, but rather affects the assessment of responsibility. In particular, case law establishes that the unavailability of economic means is not by itself sufficient to exempt the obligated party, especially if such condition is partly attributable to the fault of the individual.

  • Violent conduct justifies the fault of separation.
  • The state of imprisonment does not exclude the obligation of maintenance.
  • Economic responsibility must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


The ruling of the Court of Cassation no. 12478 of 2024 represents an important precedent regarding separation and fault. It clarifies that both physical and moral violence not only justify separation but also attribute responsibility to the violent spouse. Furthermore, the issue of maintenance during imprisonment highlights the complexity of family dynamics and the need for a thorough analysis of individual circumstances. This ruling underscores the importance of protecting the rights of minors and ensuring fair and balanced justice even in situations of great personal difficulty.

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