Bianucci Law Firm
Abduction of Minors: Analysis of the Judgment of the Italian Supreme Court, Section I, Order No. 36150 of 2022

A recent ruling by the Court of Cassation establishes important principles regarding international child abduction, clarifying custody rights and the procedures for the child's return to their habitual residence.

Bianucci Law Firm
Civ. Cass., Sec. I, Ord. No. 13214/2021: The Complexity of International Child Abduction

Analysis of the Supreme Court ruling regarding the abduction of a minor and the issues related to habitual residence, with reference to the Hague Convention.

Bianucci Law Firm
Corte di Cassazione, Sez. I, Ord., n. 37833 del 2022: Reflections on International Child Abduction

Analysis of ruling no. 37833 of 2022 by the Court of Cassation concerning international abduction of minors and the respect for the rights of victims of domestic violence.