Crimes Against the Person

Crimes against the person constitute one of the most sensitive areas of criminal law, as they concern the protection of the physical, moral, and psychological integrity of the individual. At the Bianucci Law Firm, we offer specialized legal assistance to defend the rights of both victims and defendants in proceedings related to these crimes.

Our approach is based on a thorough analysis of the case, a personalized defense strategy, and constant support at every stage of the criminal proceeding.

Protecting the fundamental rights of the person is at the heart of criminal law, to ensure justice and respect for human dignity.

Main Crimes Against the Person

The Bianucci Law Firm deals with a wide range of crimes against the person, including:

  • Personal Injuries: physical or psychological, intentional or negligent, with particular attention to the protection of victims;
  • Murder: in all its forms, including intentional, premeditated, and negligent homicide;
  • Stalking: persecutory acts and behaviors that harm the freedom and serenity of the victim;
  • Sexual Violence: crimes of abuse and coercion that harm the sexual freedom of the individual;
  • Defamation: crimes that damage the reputation and dignity of the person.

How We Can Help You

The Bianucci Law Firm offers comprehensive and professional support to address criminal proceedings related to crimes against the person. Our services include:

  • Preventive legal advice and assistance during preliminary investigations;
  • Defense of defendants and protection of victims in judicial proceedings;
  • Assistance in joining civil proceedings for victims, in order to obtain proper compensation;
  • Management of complex proceedings, including those with media attention or of particular public relevance.

Our commitment is to ensure a solid defense that respects the rights of all parties involved, with a sensitive approach to personal and emotional needs.

Complete Consultation

Do you have questions? Write to us or call us, with no obligation.

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What are personal injuries and how are they punished?

Personal injuries consist of physical or psychological harm caused intentionally or negligently to a person. The penalty varies based on the severity of the injuries and the intent of the act.

What actions constitute the crime of stalking?

Stalking is manifested through repeated persecutory acts, such as following, harassment, or threats, which cause fear or distress to the victim. It is a serious crime that can lead to imprisonment.

What is the difference between defamation and insult?

Defamation involves damaging a person's reputation by communicating offensive information to third parties. Insult, on the other hand, was a crime concerning direct offenses to a person and is now considered a civil offense.

How can compensation for a crime against the person be obtained?

A victim of a crime against the person can join as a civil party in the criminal proceeding to obtain compensation for the damage suffered, both moral and material.

Does the Bianucci Law Firm also assist victims of crimes against the person?

Yes, the firm provides comprehensive support to victims, assisting them with reporting, joining civil proceedings, and requesting compensation for the damage suffered.